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Estonia First Rehearsal

ChrisB on Wed, 05/03/2017 - 14:39

I really like the monochrome stage visuals for Verona.
They had a similar concept in Eesti Laul, but this looks much bigger.
The backdrop shows a light fountain.

What I don't understand is the choreography. Is Koit just getting a bit confused with where to stand on the stage or are they literally trying to communicate they are lost in Verona?

First Rehearsal Estonia

Get ready to play cards with Jüri Pootsmann, from Estonia!

In true old school Vegas style, Jüri's elegantly playing out his cards during his first Eurovision rehearsal here in Globen. I just love his deep vocals, though they seem a little bit off as his performance progresses. Perhaps the nerves. Not really worried about that at this stage, as he's proven to nail them before.

Staging includes a lot of hearts and aces, and cards, with black and gold colours being predominant. All the actions actually takes place on the smaller Eurovision stage, which connects the main stage through the catwalk.

Shaken not stirred, the Bond of Eurovision is in the house.

Amazing Tanja

Andy on Mon, 04/28/2014 - 10:26

Even if it's a first run, this is quite confident performance. Poor Latvia for being stuck between really great two looking performances.

It's all about Tanja and Argo inside a cage which looks like a gymnastics room, we don't see a hint of experienced backing vocalists hidden somewhere. The routine is almost unchanged from the national final version.

They are wearing white, Tanja's dress is short and pretty sexy, it looks that these might me their final performance outfits. She is totally using her choreographic experience in that, and the impression is very, very positive.

Birgit Estonia 1st rehearsal

Andy on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 09:46

1st verse was in black and white and concentrates on the face of the singer from different sides. In the chorus we see that Birgit has a big wide dress, is it to hide she is already visually pregnant? She starts still on a small satellite stage and then does some moves to the big stage which seem pretty useless. The backing vocalists almost can't be seen, they are on big stage from beginning and it's 3 men in suits. It doesn't leave any lasting impression, she sings well, looks nice, but that's completely it.