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Rehearsal Day so far

ChrisB on Sat, 05/05/2018 - 11:10

News from the Italian Delegation

Italy at Eurovision

Press release from the Italian Delegation

For the first time in Eurovision history – Italy will deliver their powerful message of the song, Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente, via multi-lingual overlay di- splayed to the viewers. This concept only recently in- troduced to the Eurovision Song Contest, enables Italy to deliver key messages from the song to the viewer and for this performance Italy will use 15 different languages on the screen.
The song, Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente was inspired as a result of the terror attacks around the world and is a message for the people. «It’s our point of view on the terror and the fear felt by many people» says Ermal.
«In November 2015, just after the Bataclan at- tack, I was inspired and moved by the letter written by the partner of one of the victims. ‘You will not have my hate, you will not have my fear - he said - You haven’t done anything to me’.», says Fabrizio.
Just after the Manchester Arena attack, Fabrizio and Ermal Meta met. «Many of our fans were terri- fied by what happened there. Our message is a mes- sage against the fear. We don’t have to be paralysed by our fear but confront it».
Fabrizio Moro (43), born in Rome, began wri- ting and arranging his first songs as a teenager. After his debut in Sanremo 2000, he had a second chance to take part to the newcomers’ section in 2007, when he won both the trophy and the Mia Martini cri- tics award with a strong anthem on the brave men who fought against the Mafia. In later years, he won twice the third prize in Sanremo as solo artist in 2008 and as songwriter in 2012, and has several Gold and Platinum records in his career.
Italy when he was 13 years old. He debuted in San- remo in 2006 as a guitar player in the band Ameba4. After having successfully pursued a career as a son- gwriter, he emerged as a solo artist. He won the third prize and the Mia Martini critics award in Sanre- mo 2017 and is one of Italy’s most successful wri- ters of the last decade with eleven Platinum records and twelve Gold in the last five years alone.
In 2018 they both returned to the Sanremo Festi- val. Ermal teamed up with Fabrizio and presented the song Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente. The duo won the competition by a landslide and will represent Italy in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest.
Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro, representing Italy, will perform at the Grand Final of the 63rd Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday 12th May 2018, with their song Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente.

Кто-то кричит громко Кто-то кричит «умри»
À Nice la mer est rouge de feu et de honte
El sol en La Rambla hoy no es el mismo
Em Londres chove sem- pre mas hoje não magoa
Огромное существо по имени Земля
Wounded to its core from Asia to England
Des minutes de silence rompues par une voix
You haven’t done anything to me
Vocês não me fizeram nada
Ermal Meta Fabrizio Moro
Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente
You Haven’t Done Anything To Me
Written and Composed by Ermal Meta, Fabrizio Moro & Andrea Febo
Ermal Meta (37), born in Fier, Albania moved to Al Cairo non lo sanno che ore sono adesso

Now they don’t know what time it is in Cairo
Il sole sulla Rambla oggi non è lo stesso

The sun on La Rambla today isn’t the same
In Francia c’è un concerto, la gente si diverte

The Netherlands second rehearsal

Desiree on Sat, 05/05/2018 - 10:47

Next up is Waylon for the Netherlands, whose first rehearsal was very critically received due to the stage act. Honestly I am not expecting any changes, but we will see in a few minutes after the first run.

No changes indeed - in the hall the first part of the performance is everything you'd expect this song to have as a staging, but later on when the crumping gets in it starts looking stranger, even though it seems to me it has been toned down a bit..