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Portugal second rehearsal

Desiree on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 12:30

The second rehearsal for Portugal then, already the 2nd last country before we move to another break. I still think this is going to be really atmospherical on the actual semi-final (and also final) nights.. The backdrop with images from the woods is beautiful, straight from a fairytale but what I can see from the screens is that it doesn't show that well on screen. In other words, it looks better from the hall.

Speaking about the vocals, it's of course still irrelevant. It will be all about Salvador himself on Monday when he arrives for the first dress rehearsal. Even though there will be absolutely no movement on stage from his part I also think he could be on a disadvantage as it'll be his first time on stage, it'll all be new to him while everyone else on screen has been there before.

Looking forward to hearing it 'for real' on Monday!

Azerbaijan second rehearsal

Desiree on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 12:13

What I most noticed seeing the first run in the hall is that there is a hidden backdrop that hardly gets noticed on screen (because the camera focuses on the box DiHaj stands in): an overview from a city. I thought it was actually not shown at all, but seeing the rewinds on the screens here in the hall now, I notice that is not correct. I hadn't noticed it before, so it's either new or just doesn't catch the attention. For those in the hall the performance is less interesting to watch than it is on screen.

Vocally Dihaj is on point, but I still have my doubts on the long high notes in the chorus. The second part of the performance is also a lot weaker visually. There's probably a whole concept behind this but I don't think people will get it just from seeing and listening to the song once.

Finland second rehearsal

Desiree on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 11:45

And that's the first goosebumps of the day for me with Finland. Absolutely magical to hear and see this in the hall. Of course it's all personal, I'm all aware that there are people finding this song and performance boring, but with this song I am not for a second bothered by the fact that Leena is standing on one spot without moving from her place, as the song and her vocals are more than enough to move me.

After the songs we have had before, a few quite shouty ballads and a completely over the top strange performance, I think Finland will come across very very well. It deserves every point and vote it can and will get.

Norma John have now performed the song 3 times and each time was as good as the previous one, goosebumps each time. Other than that, not that much to add. Finland is ready.