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Elaiza from Germany kicks off the big 6 rehearsals this morning.

Elaiza from Germany are the first to take the stage this morning for their second rehearsal.

In all fairness, despite the good vocals, the performance itself isn't really standing out.

In the end chorus paper steamers are falling down on the stage, which gives the performance visually a bit of a boost, but apart from that it's a pretty static one.

That's also the case for the backdrop. Red, blue and yellow are the main colours for the backdrop on which the name of the band 'Elaiza' is also shown, and a black and white tiled stage floor.

I'm missing a little bit of a spark at the moment.

But not all is lost. I reckon once the hall is filled with the audience, I think this will be a certain crowd pleaser for the audience. If that's translating in votes is yet to be seen though.