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Belarus first rehearsal

Desiree on Sun, 04/29/2018 - 16:22

The first rehearsal from Alekseev caused a lot of hilarity here in the press centre, but both the reactions ánd the performance may have been a bit over the top.

Alekseev, wearing a white shirt with some nice cuts and a dark pants (very nice if you ask me), stands on a round platform (that will rise later on in the performance). As the camera goes down from his face, we see he is having a rose in his hand which is then picked up by the camera and given to a female dancer in red who seems to appear out of nowhere. Then the dancer shoots the rose in his hand with a bow, roses come from everywhere..

Then at the end he turns around and his back is revealed, turns out his white shirt is not a full shirt, instead his back is covered in red, not sure if it is supposed be roses or blood, it looks like the latter which could absolutely scare people off.

I feel there are going to be a lot of plays on a verse that starts with "Roses are red..."

Belarus First Rehearsal

Well the biggest reaction of the day so far, doesn't come from Israel's performance but surprisingly, for Belarus. Donning the most bizarre wardrobe seen in recent years - a ripped shirt that looks as if he lost a fight with a Rotteweiler - Alekseev took the stage, rose in hand and then deposited it on the camera for it to then make its journey to his female dancer dressed in red trails...she then returned the rose to him via bow and once fired, it attached comically to his hand, before the end of the song we saw him turn around to expose a heavily made-up open back covered in fake blood and goodness knows what else. It seemed the laughs in the Press Centre were a mix of disbelief and hilarity. Vocals were generally sound though. It certainly wins so far on sheer entertainment value...

Czech Republic - Mikolas Josef misses first press meet and greet

Mikolas Josef was unable to attend his first press meet and greet this afternoon due to straining his back at his first rehearsal. The Czech press team announced he has been taken to a doctor in order for them to perform precautionary tests and a scan. It is not thought to be anything serious.