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France second rehearsal

Desiree on Sun, 05/06/2018 - 12:06

France and Italy seem to have swapped their rehearsal slots today, so Madame Monsieur is the next act on stage. Very impressive performance, looks very well on screen and Émilie sings great, even though I think especially in the first verses she sounds a little breathy. This could and should do very well and needs no fireworks or projections to get the message across.

2nd Rehearsal Germany

AidaK on Sun, 05/06/2018 - 12:00

Shortly before the first run of his second rehearsal Michael seems to be a little bit nervous. This is clearly noticeable during the first performing moments. However, he is gaining confidence as the song continues and develops the strength of his voice at its climax.
The show uses private family pictures sent to the artist by the fans. It is a good idea to create a connection to the audience, for sure. But will that intention be recognized by people who don’t follow the coverage on ESC and just switch the TV in the evening of the event?
All in all: Germany delivers a solid performance and a radio ballade on a very personal topic. That could work. Good luck.