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So after our little journey into the Irish wilds for a wedding and a vote......

It's time to predict this Eurovision thing and nail our colours to the mast

Still calling Sweden but hot on Mans tails are Russia, Italy and Azerbaijan

I think Polina Gagarina could still do this, and hoping for a really exciting finish to the show later tonight....

Top ballad may well go to Poland now, but other contenders could well be Cyprus, Greece and Estonia.....

but to be brutally hints we have no idea at this point and would not be surprised to see some random winner like Belgium :-D

UPD - Jury Final Dress Rehearsal

We are about to start watching Jury Final Dress Rehearsal.

The show starts with Conchita emerging form a box singing her new song. She’s dressed in a bright pink jumpsuit. The three hosts of the Eurovision are singing as well.
Conchita is literary flying from the Green room across the Arena and she finishes her trip on the stage accompanies by children’s chore. A rap singer joins the singers.

The Arena is packed with people. The hosts welcome everyone, audience is clapping. Conchita is announcing each country and they head to the stage through a corridor from the Green room. All countries from Slovenia to Italy are all together on stage.

The organizers of the Eurovision produced a nice interactice video clip of how we Build Bridges.

All singers are backstage already, Slovenia is getting ready to perform. The hosts are explaning the ways you can vote for your favorites. Now there is an option to vote via official Eurovision app.

1. Greeting card from SLOVENIA. Maraaya are horse riding in the country side.
Nice show opener, very confident on stage. But I think it’s a bit plain on stage for people to remember their performance at the end. I would say it reaches top-12.

2. FRENCH postcard. Lisa transformed to Alice in the Wonderland. Gorgeous!
Amazing voice, staging, special effects, atmosphere, everything. Every small detail has been thought over. A usual viewer needs to be prepared for such a serious song to understand it. I think some would count it as a boring one. Pay more attenction to it, please, she deserves to be in top 10.

3. ISRAEL. To my mind, it’s the only one party song this year. Without even noticing, I start dancing and singing together with Nadav although I don’t like the song. The team did a great performance, you can check his first rehearsal and you will see a great change and improvement.

4. ESTONIA is skating along a beautiful lake in their postcard. Estonian balad sounds good after a movy Israel. I like the staging a lot, the idea about the doors. The only thing, Elina has to overcome her stress and perform as confident as she did during her previous performances.

5. Electro Velvet are doing mysterious triks. Yout have to see UK postcard . I like the song a lot, it’s a distinctive one. Before the Eurovision actually started it was one of my favorites. Now, I changed my mind as soon as I saw the staging. It looks to me like a bad parody for a musical. What is more, I don’t like Bianca’s dress, it makes her look bigger on stage. They will be somewhere between 20-27...

6. ARMENIA. I like the staging and the idea about families and nations from different continents but I don’t like the overall performance. It sounds to me as if I’m listening to several songs, not a one.

7. LITHUANIA’s performance is fresh and catchy, especially because of the kiss and performing after Armenia mostly. Their emotions are natural and sincere. Although many people like it, I’m afraid it won’t get in top 10.

8. SERNBIAn Bojana is showing us a very strong performance, she’s very confident and she knows what she’s doing. Unfortunately, I think her song might be lost in bright and colourfull Lithuania and white and pure Norway.

9. NORWAY is a fairytale and each girl dreams about such a fairytale. It’s beautiful performance that deserves a high ranking. To my mind it will be in top 10.

Interval act. The hosts are standing in the fan zone reminding the audience about the importance of voting.

10. Sweden SWEDEN is an absolute favorite this year. It's a great TV performance, but you can see nothing what is going on the stage. It's empty and mostly occupied by camera men. Personally, I wouldn't vote for Mans but many will. So, top 5 for sure.

11. I’ve no idea what Cyprus is doing in the final. I heard today that somebody loves it a lot and I don’t understand how it is possible to choose Cyprus from that many very bright performances. Sorry Cyprus but you took somebody else place. But it's a good preperation for Australia.

12. Everything about AUSTRALI is very American and it stands out a lot. I like their performance and the voters will remember it but not that many will vote for Australia, right? Best of luck Guy!

13. BELGIUM. I cannot be objective when commenting on Loic’s performance. He’s been my favorite from the beginning and since then I haven’t changed my mind. I’m mostly impressed by the fact that he did everything for his performance himself. He probably won’t be the winner, but in top 3, I hope.

14. The Makemakes from AUSTRIA are very atmospheric if I can say so. It’s a nice song to sing with friends, it evokes many emotions of yours. The fire in the piano makes it more memorable but not enough to be in top 10, I think.

Interval act. Conchita is giving advice to The Makemakes - to shave!. It's a great advice :) Conchita is revieling that last yeat it wasn't her first time participating in Eurovision. She was one of the backing vocals for a 2008 enty.

15. Impressive and beautiful performance from GREECE will probable by in top 15. There is nothing very outstanding especially being right in the middle of the show.

16. MONTENEGRO sent a true professional and a great artist. The performance hardly changed from the first rehearsal. It's motives are recognizable but still not good enough to win. So, somewhere in between 12 and 20, I imagine.

17. GERMANY reminds me lot of Lena in 2010 and Switzerland this year. I prefer Melanie Rene more that Ann Sophie. Switzerland is more mysterious, to my mind. It’s captivating and involving. You want to move straight away. So, #21, may be?

18. I suspect that Monika from POLAND made it on Thursday maily because of being the last one performing. And I also think she has more potential for a better song. So, #25....

19. LATVIA. Aminata is my favorite so, I might be wrong in judging but she deserves to be in top 10. The voice, the song itself, the staging, the special effects. I want to listen to her live over and over. Goose bumps every time I hear the song.

20. ROMANIA. Well, the idea behind the song is new and interesting. I apriciate a lot that Voltaj is singign in Romanian. But it doesn't make a winner, not even my favorite. So, place 22-27?

21. I have a suspicion that SPAIN decided to use every sing possibility to use as many effects and tricks as possible. Too many things are going on the stage. But I believe she has a strong voice. Sorry, Spain, but you probably will be one of the last ones.

22. HUNGARY. Boggie has a good intention behind her song and her activity during the promo tour before the Eurovision. But it is soo boring, sorry Boggie lovers. And again we see the Universe, the whole world. How many more similar performances this year?

23. GEORGIA. At long last we can listen to something tensed and overwhelming. It’s a good position for Ninna performing after Romania, Spain and Hungary. I hope she gets in top 11 :)

24. I can’t stop watching AZERBAIJAN's show. It definitely looks and sounds much better than Sweden. Please, people of the World, don’t kill me for such a comparison, but I really feel like that!

25. RUSSIA would be perfect for the show closing, it would leave special feelings. Now, it's surrounded by 4!!! very strong songs and I think it's very difficult to make it through. Polina now won't be neither #1 nor #2. I guess she's in top 10.

26. Despite many controversies about ALBANIA I must admit that she improved a lot since the semi-final. It is now an absolutely different performance – the dress change and the performance concept even may be. It now sounds less aggressive. I won;t be surprised if she happens to be in top 15 at least.

27. ITALIAN Il Volo is an absolute winner of this year even though I don't like it as much as some other singers. Very confident and strong performance. Being the last ones to perform makes them winners. And they definitely deserve it.

Italy leaves such an impression that you don't want to listen to other songs. I came up with this idea when they started repeating all the songs to remind all of them to the voters. I think there is no doubt about this year’s winner. But I will vote for #13 as many times as possible !!!! :)

Before the fake voting we are entertained by orchestra playing different types of music for us.

And the draw.....

Well three of the big hitters, Russian, Azerbaijan and Italy are all at the end now, but Sweden stands out on it's own in the middle, but being next to Norway and Australia may finish off any chance that Sweden have of victory now

Slovenia starting the show is great, but like Sweden this may hurt their chance of pulling off the win of the century!!!

So can Italy do this now??? Will we be in Roma next year??? Well I for one, simply because it is one of my favourite cities in the world, sincerely hope so, but watch out for Germany who will do much better than predicted, Estonia singing from Sertab's wining slot, and Albania potentially giving some go the big hitters a run for their money!!!!

Happy rehearsal day to all involved

We're off to the a Wedding to forget all about Eurovision for the day and Daniel is going to vote in the Irish referendum.....

See you back in Austria some point tomorrow!

Review of the second semi-final by Keith Mills

I decided not to hang around for the qualifier press conference tonight as I have a pretty hectic day tomorrow, but I have now caught up with the halves of the draw that the ten countries will perform in. It really has ended up as a show of two halves with most of the uptempo songs in the first half and the ballads and slower moody songs in the second.

Overall I think tonight's show was far better than Tuesday's. The songs were better, the pacing was sharper and there was less of last year's winner, though still far too much. The camerawork was also improved, but the issue with flags blocking the screen is still a major problem and has to be sorted on Saturday.

As for the seven songs that went out, only Switzerland and Ireland can feel hard done by and Poland qualifying was a bit of a shock. Some are suggesting it was a sympathy vote, but it was also helped by the draw so perhaps not totally unpredictable.

My thoughts on the seven that went home;
IRELAND: I think Molly performed well and for once I liked the Irish staging. However I thought we were probably doomed on the day we were given the awful #2 draw and so it came to be. I may sound like a broken record here but once again can I suggest RTÉ looks at its selection process. The current formula is giving is the worst set of results we've ever had in the contest.

SAN MARINO: Dreadful patchwork of a song and no amount of youthful enthusiasm can replace a lack of stage craft. It was always a no-hoper. It deserved to finish last and being honest, if this is the best that they can come up with, San Marino has no place in the contest.

MALTA: A much better performance by Amber tonight but there was far too much going on to distract you in the presentation.It was as if no lessons were learnt from Olivia Lewis in 2007. The song was always too weak for this semi, but might have had a chance in the first semi. No surprise this lost out.

PORTUGAL: The Portuguese chose the wrong song in the Eurovision selection, it's as simple as that. No matter how good Leonor was tonight (and she was very good), the song was just poor. Like Ireland, Portugal needs to re-think its selection process. There's enough talent there to do very well in the contest but RTP are not tapping into it.

CZECH REPUBLIC: Whoever decided to add the ridiculous shoe throwing to the act should never be allowed near the contest again. Until that point the performance was solid, even if the song was always a little dull. I fear that we may never see the Czechs back in the contest.

ICELAND: Not only the worst vocal performance of the night, one of the worst of this century. It was always a big heap of nothing of a song, with basically a repeated chorus and no verses but everything about this was absolutely dreadful from he staging to the costume, but especially the off-key performance.

SWITZERLAND: I really feel sorry for Melanie, because this was a terrific performance and hugely improved on the national final. Switzerland just doesn't have friendly neighbours or a diaspora, but if Austria can win, so can they. Really disappointed not to see this in the final.

The following countries are in the first half;
 United Kingdom

That's a lot of up-tempo and mid-tempo songs. Personally I'd probably open with United Kingdom, then go with Armenia and Sweden, for contrast. I would have Israel at #13

At #14 it's Austria

In the second half you have the following countries;

There's no up-tempo song in there at all, but Georgia, Germany and Montenegro are at least mid-tempo. Hungary, Greece, Russia and Spain need to be kept apart. The director will certainly earn his money tonight.

Tomorrow I will review the running order, as I fly back to Dublin.

And we're off....semi two is underway....

The Irish Jury is ready we have Daniel, Donal, John, Mairead, Emma and Myself....

The parade starts.......and I am totally missing being in the arena right now......

Go POLAND!!! Love you Monika!

Initial reactions from the Irish jury is "where is the wine" ?
Looks like the audience is having fun there right now....tsk without us there!
Love the Marty Whelan commentary, first for me...
Daniel like the host,.....Mairead wants to know where are the male hosts!!!
Oh voting numbers...yay

Test the pyros and wind machine....whiel we talk more wine1

Lithuania....Irish Jury thinks, we like this, catchy and memorable.....we didn't get to the kiss yet. Ireland is in shock at the kiss!!! Love it:-D 8/10 for this, older ones like it more than this younger ones!

Ireland.....obvs they love it here....but seriously they think it;s all a bit dire to be honest....no connection at all with the camera....not great not working, seems like she's trying to Ellie Golding and Lana del Rey and it's not working at all.....5/10

San Marino....humm wonder what they will think of this.....OMG she's found some new notes there!!! Irish jury are not impressed at all with this....Donal says "like something out of Charlie and the chocolate Factory" Mairead likes the dress, and not much else, Daniel says this is last place.....2/10

Montenegro with Adio!!!! not too sure how the Irish homebirds will take to this....Daniel and I love it totally. No impressions so far....Mariead is not impressed, Donal is in Shock!!! Emma went a shower....opps! Daniel and I are singing along :-D Split votes here, Irish rellies give it 2/10 M+D give it 8/10

Malta.....never won, and sorry but not gonna this year either :-( Amber is in good voice mind you, just gonna get lost in this car crash semi.....and she lost the interest with the Irish jury :-( Shame really 5/10

Oh look first time ever that I have witnessed a break in the TV show.....this is a bit weird to be honest....kill the ads in Eurovision please

Back now....missed Conchita in the Green room...:-(

Norway.....will be very interesting to see this on the screen now....huge fav of mine....please let this be good....and please let the Irish rellies love it too.....Morland's vocal is perfection, Don't let me go!!! Deborah looks a million dollars to be honest....AND YES THE IRISH JURY love's it 10/10

Portugal....well this is going no where fast.....especially after the perfection of Norway before....but she is great vocally....meanwhile the Irish Family Jury lost totally interest here.....definite first non-qualifier....Mariead gives this a big fat NO!!!! Can she sing in English please??? Donal is yawning...oh dear....Daniel os rowing with his sister now.....hilarious I am ROTFLMAO off here, 1/10

Czech Republic now....all very gothic....but I have highly recommend it so they are glued to the screen, watching avidly....there is much silence though....I am hearing this sounds like a James Bond theme form the Irish Jury......never seen that before....Marta and Vaclav giving it their all now....10/10 from me and 7/10 form the Irish.....this is getting all my text votes tonight

Israel was not impressive for the Irish jury.....we think it will sail through but hime crowd here so not impressed

Lativa....this is getting a lot of WTF moments from the Irish Jury.....she has an amazing voice and it looks great on the screen......probably the most current song so far

Big Fav now, Azerbaijan, the Voice of Turkey winner, Elnur.....Mariead is still disappointed Denmark did not make it. Anyway Elnur now. Avid attention now form the Irish at the big fav. OH DEAR the Irish just do not get the dancers here....and I have to agree with them.....is adds nothing to the song at all, in fact takes attention away from it....and Mariead agrees totally with me....real shame cos the song is great....9/10 for the song 0/10 for the dancers :-D

Iceland. the little angel that is Maria Olafs. She has sprayed her feet gold??? WHAT???? The vocal is awful on the TV....this is just not working. Irish lost attention after about 30 seconds....and what's all these new notes she has found??? This is all too way JESC for the adults sipping wine here!!! Next please.....if this was X-Factor she'd be going home for sure :-( 4/10 and that's for Hera Bjork

New break here, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Norway and Czech Republic are the most impressive so far.....interesting.....

SWEDEN.....could this win??? Lets see what real people think here.....
Well so far this is VERY VERY impressive to the locals gathered round the Irish hearth in Cavan....VERY impressive, and these are folks that would not normally like Swedish songs.....10/10 8/10 9/10 9.5/10 Humm could this really do it now???

Switzerland is going down very well with the Irish rellies, much more accessible than the Latvian song, they think she is beautiful and the sing is pretty fantastic too. Mairead in particular likes this a lot…..Donal is very quite I think he’s in awe :-) 9/10

Cyprus…..c’mon John you can do this for them, Lisa Andreas might lose here top place slot for Cyprus in the final on Saturday…..Emma came back from the shower just in time, and she likes this….breathtaking even :-D Donal….is just taking all in….Daniel is singing along and swaying. This is getting a 9/10 too.

Pizza is coming….we need food!!!

Slovenia….last of the nights big favs….Mariead is still talking about Cyprus….this is bombing with the Irish….OH NOES!!!!n Daniel and I are sad now :-( Donal piped up and said she’s got a fantastic voice though……don’t think this will win now but should get through to the final easily…..7/10 seems to be the summation here

Poland…..sadly the song is not good enough for me, but Monika I will always love you, so give this all you have…..not going down too well the Irish jury either, but they are full of love for her now they know the back story…..and Mariead now just said this is not a bad song at all….and should go through tbh! 8/10


Round table summary;

Lithuania HIT
Ireland MISS
San Marino MISS
Montenegro HIT/MISS
Malta MISS
Norway HIT
Portugal MISS

Czech Republic HIT
Azerbaijan HIT (lose the dancers)
Iceland MISS
Sweden HIT

Switzerland HIT
Cyprus HIT
Slovenia HIT/MISS
Poland HIT (surprise)

Now the interval act, filled before the votes is on it's time for a ciggie break

Finally results...
Missing out the finals are:
San Marino
Czech Republic

Prediction- 2nd semi!

CostasP on Thu, 05/21/2015 - 07:21

Good morning!Semi Final Two is on today and this is my prediction on who goes through...Just like Keith,my dilemma was between Ireland and Switzerland,i found the other nine to be able to distinguish themselves from the others in different grades.

So...here it goes:


Ireland ( hope this isn't just wishful thinking)

Enjoy the Semi Final tonight!

Semi Final Two- First Dress Rehearsal

CostasP on Wed, 05/20/2015 - 15:49

The song performances in the First Dress Rehearsal of Semi Two came to an End. I have to say that I enjoyed them a lot, much better than Semi One. Here are some short comments on all the songs:

Lithuania- Perfect opener, charming, a bit camp, a kiss! Vocals could have been better, still ok.

Ireland- Very good backdrop, love the voice, a bit static, not sure if it will stand out.

San Marino- Shaky vocals, comes across amateur, even if the stage work is professional.

Montenegro- Zeljko school of staging, looks really dramatic, flawless vocals, sailing through.

Malta-Conchita backdrop meets Paparizou outfit. Vocally good enough, seems a bit "empty" and not special in my opinion.

Norway-Simple, more chemistry than previous rehearsals, some awkward moments (walking around the stage!), amazed by the voices.

Portugal- Did the best out of it, still forgettable. The kind of "decent" that's rarely appreciated.

Czech Republic- Amazing voices, over-dramatic performance, not a televoting grabber, will the jury vote be enough?

Israel- Stands out by a mile, lifts up the mood, choreography a bit disjoined, vocals decent enough. Don't think the juries will prevent it from qualifying.

Latvia-Performance lifts it up even if a bit odd, some fantastic camera angles with the dress and the floor.

Azerbaijan-The mix of the vocals isn't really good, comes across shouty. Awful choreography. Probably the best backdrop.

Iceland-Really off tune, worst vocals so far. Unspectacular performance. Doesn't look good for Iceland.

Sweden-Mans nails the whole thing visually and vocally from the first rehearsal. Still looks impressive. Obvious winner imo.

Switzerland-Really like the way it comes across on camera, good voice, still not sure about its chances.

Cyprus-Some camera angles look magical, lights in the crowd, great vocals, simplicity.

Slovenia-Doesn't come across powerful enough, lights get better towards the end. Song itself stands out.

Poland- The bright colors are a wise choice, holds back vocally, borderliner.

Germany Second Rehearsal: Ann Sophie - Black Smoke

Up next is Ann Sophie and Germany. Once again, there aren't that many changes from sunday's performance.

Ann Sophie's still singing the first verse of the song, with her back to the audience, although she is glancing over her shoulder a lot more now.

She's a very confident and consistent singer, Ann Sophie. The whole staging really works, it has something very James Bond like about it.

Yes I like this a lot!