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Slovakia 1

Andy on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 13:01

Andy standing in. Well, Kamil Mikulchik has clearly the best male vocal of the day, it's simply outstanding. The presentation in general is very similar to what we have seen during the national final. It looks quite nice, but coming after Norway this just may get lost.
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Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 11:57

There are two dancers sitting on white cubes, the third cube is for Christina. During the performance she is sitting on it, hiding behind it, sitting again. Vocally so-so, touching, and nice.
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I'm in looove with Norrwayy

Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 11:44

It's just perfect. I have no doubts about the winner. On the backdrops there are fairy tale images, everything looks harmonious. The performance doesnt differ much from the preselection performance, the only thing is that they added pyroechnics in the final chords. Strong, impressive, absolutely the best.
(Alexander noticed our flag and waved his hand to us:)))

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Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 10:32

First vocal run, it's so-so.
The performance itself. There are two dancers, Lidia is in the middle of the stage, the backdrops show something grey-blue. As for ,e, the performance is weak and boring, it's only interesting to observe the dancers sometimes.
There won't be a quick description of Rybak's performance coz i'm leaving the press centre now in order to wave Norway flag and support Alexander))

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Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 09:01

Vocally not very good, but looks funny and stylish. On the backdrops there some cartoon pictures (like in Wario shaker, if you know what i'm talking about), on the floor there are stamps with Marko's cartoon face on them. The dancers perform some strange movements, Marko is just superb, extremely charismatic. During the second refrain Marko and Milan rub againts each other's asses. Starting to fall in love with the performance:)))

In the second run the vocals are better.

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The third day

Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 08:45

So I'm probably the only one to amuse and entertain the readers of the english part of the blog (are there any?:)) during the first six rehearsals, because Shoddy is doing kind of labs at the university, I miss him and have practicaly nothing to do. Well, I'll start with a brief review of the participants of the first semi-final.

Montenegro - it's pretty nice, but the position is not that good. The plus is that the song is kind of an earworm after the rehearsal, and adore some of her previous songs, so I strongly want to see her in the final.
Czech Republic - it wasnt even funny for me, they are just boring freaks. Out.
Belgium - at the arena it looks and sounds just perfect, but cameras spoil everything. Could qualify because of the idea itself.
Belarus - it's difficult to judge because as they say they didnt do everything they wanted during the rehearsal. So i'll wait the second rehearsal.
Sweden - well, some journalists say it's the ruin of the favourite. As for me, I suppose it's a sure finalist (But ask the cameramen not to show her face, pleaseee)
Armenia - I didnt get the point of their performance and I dont like the song either. But everybody says it's a sure finalist too, so i'll beleive them.
Andorra - she does her best, she has put her promo to all the pigeon holes, but i think it won't help, though there's a little chance it will strike.
Switzerland - I'm completely in love with the song, with the group, with the performance. I have already bought a Swiss flag (it cost me 750 rubles!!) and walk in the press centre wrapped in it. The biggest pity is that I can't vote for them(
Turkey - I hope THIS will not qualify, absolutely boring and not interesting.
Israel - pretty and nice, a sure finalist.
Bulgaria - well, I like the song, I like Krassimir, but as for me, there is a little chance of its qualifying.
Iceland - at first I wad completely in love with all those dolphins, but now all the mess around the preformanve is already annoying me. A sure finalist.
Macedonia - just difficult to say, I dont know really. Nice balcan rock. The guys are pretty.
Romania - pretty boring and standard, not sure that it qualifies.
Finland - the fire staves look perfect, some mysterious gear too, in the whole it's nice, i think it'll qualify.
Portugal - it's nice, the backdrops are cute too, but this all is not enough, unfortunately.
Malta - how can she fail to qualify?
Bosnia - a sure finalist. The vocalist looks like a drug addicted, the performance in the whole is strange, but strong and impressive.

So, my preliminary prediction is as follows:



Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 08:26

it's just PERFECT! Looks cool, funny and fresh, vocally ok. There is Intars himself, two dancers and a band. There is a mysrerious act in the middle of the performance: the dancers have kind of transfroming dresses, and the form a banner, now it's white but i'm sure there will be something interesting written or drawn on it.

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Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 08:18

Absolutely zero chances, vocally awful, absolutely out of place. The girl doesn't suit the arena at all, she looks ugly. The band reminds me of millions of such groups, nothing special, ther just perform some usual movements and pretend to play guitars and drums. Out of the final.

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Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 07:18

The performance is pretty boring for me, vocally it's far better than at the preselection. Due to their first number I suppose it won't qualify. The backdrops are nice, but nothing special at all.

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Today's rehearsals

Andy on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 19:03

Bulgaria - as said Krassimir, he is glad that he is not the only freak in the show. After all, there is Malena Ernman! In terms of presentation of Bulgarian freak show is unsurpassed. Petya and Krassi are really ear and eye catching, dancers on stilts is also very impressive. Sails through to the final.

Iceland - beautiful, aesthetic performance with a music video like shots on the background. Professional backing vocals. From ballads of the semifinal has a best chance.

Macedonia - also very nice. Pity it is not in English version, but teenage girls may like it.

If someone can explain how the idea of associating the song about Balkan girls that love to party with fairy forest has been born, I will give you sweets from Petr Elfimov. A single back-up singer is lost on the stage, and the part when they start dancing hora is also looking strange.

Finland - very catchy chorus chorus, but looks boring except fire-show. Strange some thing in the corner. Backs are pulling off all the female vocals. Most likely, will qualify to the final.

Portugal - a series of lovely and non-offensive entries continues. Despite being recorded instruments look quite naturaly. tools look quite organically. Difficult to find something though that will help them to qualify to the final.

Malta - There was no difference of performance to the Angel, it is very simplystic. Underwater effects will be gone, because delegation is unsatisfied with them.

Bosnia - шf it is not broken, don't fix it. So why on Earth they decided to change presentation? Why do girls have the drums instead of flags? Why do this final scene a-la French Revolution has appeared, when it was meant to be Soviet Art?