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The third day

Chuvi on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 08:45

So I'm probably the only one to amuse and entertain the readers of the english part of the blog (are there any?:)) during the first six rehearsals, because Shoddy is doing kind of labs at the university, I miss him and have practicaly nothing to do. Well, I'll start with a brief review of the participants of the first semi-final.

Montenegro - it's pretty nice, but the position is not that good. The plus is that the song is kind of an earworm after the rehearsal, and adore some of her previous songs, so I strongly want to see her in the final.
Czech Republic - it wasnt even funny for me, they are just boring freaks. Out.
Belgium - at the arena it looks and sounds just perfect, but cameras spoil everything. Could qualify because of the idea itself.
Belarus - it's difficult to judge because as they say they didnt do everything they wanted during the rehearsal. So i'll wait the second rehearsal.
Sweden - well, some journalists say it's the ruin of the favourite. As for me, I suppose it's a sure finalist (But ask the cameramen not to show her face, pleaseee)
Armenia - I didnt get the point of their performance and I dont like the song either. But everybody says it's a sure finalist too, so i'll beleive them.
Andorra - she does her best, she has put her promo to all the pigeon holes, but i think it won't help, though there's a little chance it will strike.
Switzerland - I'm completely in love with the song, with the group, with the performance. I have already bought a Swiss flag (it cost me 750 rubles!!) and walk in the press centre wrapped in it. The biggest pity is that I can't vote for them(
Turkey - I hope THIS will not qualify, absolutely boring and not interesting.
Israel - pretty and nice, a sure finalist.
Bulgaria - well, I like the song, I like Krassimir, but as for me, there is a little chance of its qualifying.
Iceland - at first I wad completely in love with all those dolphins, but now all the mess around the preformanve is already annoying me. A sure finalist.
Macedonia - just difficult to say, I dont know really. Nice balcan rock. The guys are pretty.
Romania - pretty boring and standard, not sure that it qualifies.
Finland - the fire staves look perfect, some mysterious gear too, in the whole it's nice, i think it'll qualify.
Portugal - it's nice, the backdrops are cute too, but this all is not enough, unfortunately.
Malta - how can she fail to qualify?
Bosnia - a sure finalist. The vocalist looks like a drug addicted, the performance in the whole is strange, but strong and impressive.

So, my preliminary prediction is as follows:


There we go again, as my 1st comment didn't get posted. I forgot first there's a preview and then a post *sigh*. Also saves me from boredom then!

Are you sure you're not confusing the Bosnian singer with Laka? Your description seems to fit him more.. It's my favourite this year so I totally understand your feelings about not being able to vote for your favourite.