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So bit of a round up from me....

Wellt he day went super well until the interview and meet and greet chaos started after lunchtime, at this point I lost complete track of the rehearsals going on the screen and missed almost all of them.

That said I did catch glimpses in between running from the press conference area, the interview rooms and the desk to upload it all and actually managing to get 2 or 3 interviews done


Finland, basically the national final repeated, still not a fan of the song at all....but that's just personal taste. However the guys really came to life a bit at their press conference for me.....like them a to now.....they are down to earth and hope they do well now!!

Greece....amazing performance from Maria-Elena for probably the best ballad in the competition this year....interview to come later this week, which I am really looking forward as she's a real doll!

Estonia....well I am sadly disappointed with this to be honest, vocally this was not really great today, but again this is a rehearsal, so hopefully this will improve by the time of their second rehearsal on Thursday.

Macedonia, again I was a little disappointed with this so hopefully this will improve for next time when the second run through.

That's really all there is from today.....