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Let the madness commence........

In just over 48 hours we will have arrived in Oslo, been to the press centre, had a look at the stage and then gone horribly pale at the prices in the restaurants:))

Yep, it's that time of year again when the great and the good (and the seriously naughty) descend on the host city for the annual two weeks of shockingly bad rehearsals, press conferences that reveal as much about the journalists asking the questions as they do about the performers, parties that go on into the early hours of the morning and oh yes, we nearly forgot three Eurovision shows.

So as this very first post from us two on www.esckaz.com we are using it as a way of introducing ourselves. Those of you who know us in person or from the other blog from last year can switch off now........this bit will be kinda boring for you:(

It is said that a picture can speak a thousand words about you so we guess that here would be as good a place as any to put up a picture to at least let you know what we look like.....

According to several people that know us very well, this was us two walking down the street in Dublin,

we think they are slightly mistaken and we actually in fact look like this.....

And apart from this there really is not too much to know about us. We live in London, we are the wrong side of 40 and we are completely and totally lost in the Eurovision world. So much of our life revolves around this television epic that we sometimes wonder what else would there be if Eurovision was no more:))

That said we do exaggerate sometimes, and yes we have many and varied things going on......but you're checking an ESC web site so let's face it you really wouldn't be too interested in all that stuff.

So that's the intro......not very exciting but you don't want to know about us, you want to know all the gossips, disasters and the tips on who is going to win. Bigger and Better people on this very web site will be doing lots and lots of videos from the rehearsals and press conferences so really, being a bit serious now, what are you going to get from us........okay we will be focussing on more or less a daily summary of EVERYTHING that has been going on.

There will be bits and pieces from the rehearsals, pictures and general stuff from press conferences and news from the parties as they start to happen. We'll be posting top 10s and predictions and if we are out and about come and say "HELLO" we don't bite, with love to talk and who knows you or your country could end up with a special mention here.

In particular we try to capture the "other" side of Eurovision, the little chats with performers, the fans falling over drunk, the truth about the host city and all the while keeping a big smile on our faces and our tongues firmly in our cheeks. We do have a serious side and it will be obvious to everybody when we are joking and when we mean it:))

If you want to get a rough idea of what to expect then check out our blog from last year...
There will be some posts on there as well but most of the time we will be hanging out here and on the www.escnation.com message board. Come and say Hi:)

And if you're reading this and Russian is your main language then welcome to the English blog for this site, we hope you understand us and if you don't we will speak really slowly and use exaggerated pronunciation cos that's what Britz do init?

And more importantly we hope we don't scare you away;-)

Just kidding but if we do use too much slang language let us know and we'll change:))))

That's it for now, expect the serious blogging to start on Sunday and all that remains for us to do is emphasise that we DID not break this..........it was like that when we found it......honest