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Accreditation day or AKA those little magic badges


Well most of the ESCKAZ.com team is here, just waiting on a couple of arrivals from the English side of the team and we're all set...

But getting the badges was not an entirely pain free process. Despite being told we could collect badges from 8.30 this morning - which lets face it was never gonna happen anyway - when we arrived at 10.00 we were told in no uncertain terms that we could not get the badges now. A rather frank discussion with the delightful accreditation manager and a skip of the 50+ workers queue and suddenly all things changed. Badges printed and duly hung around our necks

Then it was some colleagues turns to try - but by this time the process was pain free cos of the initial discussion with the manager.....but that's not the end of the story!! Next the badge printer broke - yay - so we left the centre and the queue was approximately one hour to collect a badge

That's if they can find you on the computer in the first place - not guaranteed at all

Anyone coming to collect accreditation should try to get it today as at the moment I don't really have confidence that there will not be a 2 or even 3 hour queue tomorrow

Good luck