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Accreditation, press centre and.........


Today is all about relaxing and taking in a few of the press centre sights and sounds......

So for those of you coming later or tomorrow......

Accreditation process is painless and simple......when you can find the little cabin to do it in;-)) Okay leave the train and turn left, walk past the arena and keep going, you come to what looks like a car park, go into the car park to the end, again passing the arena, and you'll see it there.

THERE WERE NO SIGNS!!!! We asked them to rectify this so by the time you all arrive it should be a bit easier.....

After getting your badge follow the signs to the humongous press centre......Random fact of the day, the press centre is built on the track on the indoor arena so at either end is part of the running......and did we tell you it's huge!!!!! The biggest press centre ever!!!!

And best thing of all.....free coffee.....LOVEIT......check out the video tour here......

Sadly we can't go into the Arena today so first pictures of the inside will be tomorrow morning for all you budding Eurovision stage fanatics out there.

Everybody else probably wont be in the slightest bit interested;-)))

It's only a stage and we will all be seeing vast amounts of it over the next few weeks.....so you'll just have to make do with photos round the press centre and outside the arena.....

Other than that there really isn't too much to tell just yet.....the arena is massive (we knew that anyway) the press centre is rather nice and the catering (so far) is very edible and cheap;-0)))

Just waiting for various members of the press to arrive now....at the moment Dimi and Pasha from www.esckaz.com, myself and Daniel from www.esckaz.com and Luke Fisher from www.escdaily.com and Keith Mills from allkindsofeverything.com are here and having a bit of a giggle with me;-))) And the www.esctoday.com crowd are here too.....