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They Can, they just might ....

Blue, the United Kingdom entrants for this year's Eurovision, performed their song 'I Can' live on the Paul O'Grady Show

on British TV last night, incidentally the same day as the British Royal Wedding just to add to the UK feel good factor! Is that a good omen for the UK?? The last royal wedding in the UK was in 1981 and we all know who won that year! Anyway, Blue sang live on the show last night and oh my god, their vocals and harmonies were spot on and they looked good together. Is it me or do the boys in the band look even better as men? Anyway, interestingly, in the BBC documentary 'Your Country Needs Blue', the boys mentioned that they might like pyrotechnic effects to enhance the song at the end and they were seen in the show discussing which effect they preferred. Well .... in last night's performance, we saw pyro effects for the first time in their performance much to the squeals of delight from the audience! The band still had their familiar brand of choreography which kind of works well for them and they looked good together, although I would have liked to have seen more of the fist salute in the air when they sing the chorus of I Can, hope they don't drop that bit! This was an excellent live performance from Blue, they are one of the favourites and we can see why. I cannot wait to see how their actual rehearsal will be at the Esprit Arena in Dusseldorf, but you can be sure that your roaming reporters for www.esckaz.com Drew & Tam will be there to let you know how they do!