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With just over a week to go......

Before the first deleagtions arrive in Dusseldorf, what can we expect from the first rehearsals?

From Spain in London

Not these ugly mugs that's for sure;-)

Well for sure there will be lots of dramas......some of those songs we have grown to love will suddenly be murdered in cold blood on stage, some of the things that we can't bear to listen to right now will have us reaching for wallets and placing swift bets, and some will just pass by and be forgotten in the melee that is Eurovision Week(s)

The things we are probably most looking forward to at this stage are the first Azerbaijan rehearsal, the arrival of Dana International and whether the spat between Sweden and Russia will escalate to such a level that NATO will be called in;-))

So taking Azerbaijan first. Ok the thing is here is that this is a great song, pure pop class that really stands out from the crowd. Just one problem is the girl's singing abilities. As yet we have not heard this live with no enhancements and just there in the big hall. It will be a moment like last year when we all waited for Safura to crash and burn and she didn't. With all the promotion Azerbaijan did in 2009 and 2010 to try to secure victory it will be truly ironic if this year they take the crown, for less effort, with a better song;-)

Dana International. Diva. Diva. DIVA. Well after the will she won't she give us an interview silliness last weekend we really got a close up shot of how things might be in Dusseldorf. We hope that she will remember that this is Eurovision, not MTV, and that sadly some sections of the "media" will not forgive her if she plays games with them.

From London Eurovision photos

And speaking of games......Russia versus Sweden. Wow what a story. Or is it? Really this started out as a planted media story by one side, it backfired badly, was blamed on others, caught several web sites with their pants down and is still rolling now because it's been picked up by Swedish media. We know who said what on both sides as we've seen the unedited stuff, had off camera conversations, and can generally read between the lines. It really has given us some of the biggest LOL moments this last 10 days and long may it continue into Eurovision week. It's gonna get messy and both sides will end up looking and feeling pretty dumb.....

So what else sticks out for us in the next few weeks......well arriving as we do on the United Kingdom Royal Wedding day this will obviously be a highlight of our first day in Germany. Then we have the rest of the day free......the Molvolvians look promising that evening, Saturday will be spent getting accreditation, shopping and meeting with the rest of the www.esckaz.com team.

Then Sunday, apart from rehearsals will be all about hugging friends that we have not seen some of for a year......and no forgetting that sadly some friends, due to ill health, will not be there this year;-((((

Other things that we are looking forward to at the moment are actually just sampling Germany and German life. Having only ever been to Berlin, and that was a long time ago, we are going to stick to Martin and Sam from www.escnation.com for guidance. Hope they enjoy being nagged every five minutes for translation services. Not that is to forget my press centre side-kick Tom Borg, also of www.escnation.com Tom we're so glad you're gonna be there......makes the days in the press centre go with a bang;-))

Also high on the agenda is the larger Euroclub this year. We loved Oslo but this was the big let-down for us.....all been said before so no need to repeat it here. Welcome reception is always good for a laugh, as is the running in the press centre to be first to post the rehearsal clips......careful girls I really am gonna trip one of you up this year

From Amsterdam, Day 1

So I guess you can tell that excitement is building for us two, only a few days left and we'll be sitting on a plane waiting for the off.....be sure a check back to join us for all the news (gossip) from us two. We won't always be first but that's just tough, we're old and we can't run now!!!
