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Shoddy on Sun, 05/03/2009 - 10:41

Sweden's on the stage. Their background graphics aren't ready yet so they just use solid white color that matches Malena's beautiful dress. Swedish performance starts with Malena surrounded by 5 dancers wearing black outfits and 5 pillars made of glass-like material. As performance goes on, dancers grab silver glittering masks out of it which add some spice to the routine. When Malena takes her high note they start to dance around her creating some star-like figure. It looks very stunning so far. However, Malena has obvious sound problems, which havent happened to the first four singers earlier today. Still a raw rehearsal, it seems to have very good potential when sounds problems are solved and displays' graphics are added. Also to add, Swedish entry is the first one to use loads of searchlights in the outer part of the arena roof.
More on Sweden soon as their rehearsal continues.

Video and pics under cut

From Sweden
From Sweden
From Sweden