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ESCKAZ hazzzzzz arrived in Dusseldorf.........

And the weather is just fine and dandy;-)))

So there isn't really too much to tell just yet.....

First impressions are good and we LOVED the boxes on the luggage carousel at the airport......and the bemused looks on the local German's faces when we scrambled for a camera and did the Japanese tourist clickety-click

From Airport and Volenteers

For those of you coming tomorrow the airport thing is very easy, follow the crowds and eventually you get to the Welcome Desk, this wasn't in use just yet but we did find some random volunteers having their induction and training.....we asked for a photo and suddenly for them reality hit like a brick in the face that Eurovision is actually coming here, yessssssss it's really true, OMGOMGOMG!!!! And that random crazy people at the airport want to take their photo;-))

Awwwww don't they look lovely????

From Airport and Volenteers

So we are bored watching the wedding in the apartment now.....Dusseldorf beckons and so does some food.....be sure and check back later for THE interview of the day with the lovely Molvanians this evening......check out this new welcome addition to the Eurovision family here....
