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Drew & Tam's Review of the 2nd Rehearsal Performances!


A good up-tempo opener to semi 2. Her voice was generally good but not too impressed with the glittery hotpant outfit. Wouldn't mind if it qualifies but could get forgotten.


This was a good performance and very infectious. Stella exudes charm and despite singing from second position we are sure she will go through. This went down well with the assembled press.


A strong professional performance and she has a great voice. The backdrop was very dramatic and impressive and seeing this live has put this up in our estimation and it could well go through.


This was a colourful performance by Emmy for Armenia and LEDs matched the song perfectly. We loved the chair, referencing the music video but we thought that there was something missing from this performance... was she holding something back?


This is good, we liked this! Akk vocals were good and this was a strong, solid performance with impressive LEDs. Not sure about the contorting girl in the cage though! Will qualify.


This was a great performance and they all looked like they were having fun. Great vocals by Nina and her backers. Quite psychedelic LEDs, not good for a hang over! This should qualify.


A good performance by Alex Sparrow, catchy song and modern edgy perfomance. The performers had LEDs on their shoes and backs but could this be too gimmicky? This will definitely qualify.


This was a simple but effective perfomance and a lovely song which is unfortunately between two up-tempo songs which could damage the chances of qualifying or make it stand out! This deserves to go through however.


A good performance by Eldrine for georgia. We thought it was a bit dark in places but also that the LEDs fitted well with this song! The lead singer's vocals were good and we thought this was better than their first rehearsal. This should qualify.


Oskar gave a confident and polished performance but we thought he could have worked the camera a little bit more as he left this to the very end with a coy wink. The LEDs showed the planet and were stunningly appropriate. Tam thinks this is a dark horse but Drew remains to be convinced!


A very energetic and happy performance from Glen Vella as usual although we thought the LEDs were a bit in your face, as it were! We would love for this to go through but not sure if it will.

San Marino

Senit has a great voice and is a totally charming performer. This is a very pleasant song but possibly lacks a 'wow' factor! We would love this to go through but are not convinced it will do so.


This seemd a bit messy and we are not sure if walking down the cat walk worked, or what the aim of it was? The vocals were good and Daria gave a great performance but we thought this a bit dated and we cannot see this going through.