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Slovakia second rehearsal

Shoddy on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 12:45

I missed last camera rehearsals from Slovakia (and so did everyone who ran away for Malena's press conference), so only one thing I can say about it that Slovakian performance is boredom in its best. Maybe it was perfectly vocally but there's completely nothing for an eye to stop its sight on.

Slovakia 2

Andy on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 12:24

Absolutely amazing rehearsal. I can say that this is the best rehearsal of the week. Even Nela has made a step and now sounds decent. I adore vocals of Kamil and stage presentation is so classy. I think, I'm in love and I have tears in my eyes. No joking.
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2nd Sweden

Shoddy on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 11:44

After the messy green salad, Sweden stands out in all white. Camera workers and service stuff had hard times adjusting the proper brightness of all-whity backdrops for the Swedish rehearsal today, interrupting it three times so far. Vocally weak, but everything says that she just saves her voice for the further rehearsals.
Slovakia's next and for me it's gonna be the first time I see it


Chuvi on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 11:33

For me it's a bit blind, but after Belarus looks good. Vocaly ok, but at the beginning it is weak by some unknown reasons.
The backdrops are absolutely white in the refrains, a strage choice, we used to think there would be something. In the whole, nothing changed, except her dress.
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Belarus 2nd rehearsal

Shoddy on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 11:00

Stage colour is vivid green that surprisingly looks exactly acidic on screens. Backdrop graphics remained to be some kind of tremendously creepy pair of cat eyes (perhaps, they never lie). The main gimmick is still that girl covered in a big piece of cloth which is now also lit by random colourful splashes which usefullness is completely confuses us. Compared to his Sunday performance it gone even worse.
And please, please, please, dear Belarusian delegation, hide that dreadful guitarist behind some cloth also, he's hideous in his struggle to pretend to be a rock musician.