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Chuvi on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 11:37

Today is a big day in press centre - first there came Patrick, now we see Zoli. He is just extremely cute and lovely. Looking forward to other visits)


Chuvi on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 11:13

Extremely impressive and strangely sexy. The only thing that they lack is flags.
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Chuvi on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 11:03

I dont know what's on the backdrops, but surely not the mermaid theme)) They added some haze, Chiara wear something terrible.

Finland 2nd reh

Chuvi on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 08:55

Vocally much worse, the men with fire staves look perfect, there are three kind of cisterns oh the stage. In the whole, looks boring to me.
+in the beginnig guys with staves set the cisterns on fire.

Romania 2nd reh

Chuvi on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 08:38

A huge stone is in the middle of the scene, in the beginnig two dancers hide behind it, then turn the stone and it appears to be a throne with Elena sitting on it. Girls dance around it, then go to the front part of the stage, dance, dance, dance. Vocally ok, on the backdrops there are sakura pestals flying.

Þú ert engill af himni ofan

Shoddy on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 16:48

Iceland benefits from the Bulgarian horror just as Estonia appears divine after Ukraine. Krassimir's hammer (yeah, I know) cuts a perfect gem from Yohanna's performance magnifying it to some godlike level or charm and enchancement. As of today, Icelandic performance is 100% ready to be broadcasted to any part of the world. Everything about it is perfect and complete and Icelandic team have clearily made their best. Triple cheers! :)
But both going straight to the final, Iceland and Estonia have a possibility of negating each other as long as these acts may sem slighty similar for viewers.