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Shoddy on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 11:14

Ok, Sakis is back to rule the contest, after disappointing first rehearsal earlier this week, he jumped over his head today. His vocals showed the bigest improvement after the first rehearsal among all participans we've seen already.
The runway he brings on the stage operates fully now, slowly gliding him during the second verse and impressively lifting him to the top when he sings the last note. Sure finalist and will probably block Zoli.
The whole press sector is flooded by Russian funclub of (hairy armpits) Sakis Rouvas so you can imagine the amount of cheer they produce.


Shoddy on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 10:57

I'm strongly convienced that Azerbaijan will collect ex-USSR votes this year, it has every factor of Eurovision formula, but will it be enough to win the whole thing? Not sure.
Azeri vocals sound suspiciously clear so we are starting to doubt whether they sing live or they use prerecourded voices, so perfect they sound.
A girl of Azerbaijani delegation attracted our views from her country's rehearsal with free promos but suddenly she ran out of promo packs promising to bring more in 5 minutes. She didn't return back, however, so we missed most of Arash+AySel because of Putin, Kirkorov and promo rush :)

Hungary '09

Shoddy on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 09:45

Nothing new to say about Hungary, the dance routine is exactly the same, sound problems are fixed as of today, camera seems to catch proper angles, so it's all about technical improvement. Screen captures very catchy picture and Zoli has all potential of qualifying, but let's wait for possible blockers who will come after: Azerbaijan and Greece.

Slovenia '09

Chuvi on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 09:09

That was my first time to check Slovenia on stage and I have to admit this is just uber boring. Not everyone will be able to stand a violin intro for 2 minutes. Nothing special, to be honest.


Chuvi on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 09:06

They still dont wear something suitable for the performance, and in the whole it looks boring and its difficult to watch all the performance


Chuvi on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 08:33

They added some pyro during almost all the performance, but still looks boring to me. Actually it could get the wildcard
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Armenia - 2nd rehearsal

Andy on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 17:47

Costumes are simply hilarious. Also, I don't really like that lead singers and backing dancers have almost same costumes and it is difficult to differenciate them at times. Otherwise, there aren't too many changes.
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Cyprus 2nd reh

Andy on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 16:58

Again it goes absolutely nowhere. Besides the sexy moment when she sits down, there is nothing to note in the stage presentation really. Girl is loosing herself on the stage, feels very uncomfortable and it distracts from her already not perfect vocal abilities.
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