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Serbia First Rehearsal

Serbia up next. Balkanika take to the stage dressed in very Balkan-esque attire. Very strong vocals for the first time out and visually impressive. The choreography is lovely and symmetrical and the percussionists flank the four vocalists. The flutist shot at the end was a typical Balkan touch. Ten years ago, this would have easily troubled the top four and on the night, it should qualify. Will be interesting to see how the rehearsals progress.

Romania first rehearsal

Desiree on Tue, 05/01/2018 - 10:54

Next is Romania with a surprise at the start already, as we see a blonde woman walking over the stage and you expect her to sing when the intro is over, but then the camera zooms out to reveal Criso tina wearing a purple dress. Next to her are the two guitar players wearing a white mask on the back of their head.

Later on we get to see the stage is actually filled with dolls with white masks. Cristina walks around the stage quite a lot with many emotions but those dolls are rather distracting. After the first run there is still some work to do with the camera shots, but the reaction from the press hall is pretty positive and that might be attributed largely to her excellent vocals.

Norway first rehearsal

Desiree on Tue, 05/01/2018 - 10:26

Alexander Rybak's rehearsal is basically nothing new, it's all what we've seen before. It looks good to go, apart from some obvious sound issues for him - couldn't hear him, but he was fiddling with his ear piece later on in the song.

He's mostly in black apart from a blue jacket that gets thrown off soon. Effective pyro in the last part. It's a love-hate song but will surely get at least a few votes, and maybe a lot more. Good applause here.

Norway First Rehearsal

ChrisB on Tue, 05/01/2018 - 10:26

2009 Eurovision winner Alexander Rybak is once again trying to win it all for Norway. His charisma and stagecraft are out of question while his entry “That’s how you write a song” leaves a bit to be desired. Nonetheless it’s great to see such an energetic performer to be back on the stage in Lisbon!
The staging is as before in mgp. On-screen graphics, dancers, cheeky family fun.