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The Netherlands first rehearsal

Desiree on Tue, 05/01/2018 - 16:19

Usually The Netherlands are not really known for bringing props on stage, but this year we do. It's a flashing beginning as Waylon and his band members - three guitarists and a drummer who at times also double as a dancer with some very particular choreography that reminds me most of all of the Italian gorilla from last year. The guitars are being played while moving up and down in sync.

Later the backings all leave their instruments and dance / do acrobatics - quite a lot happening on stage which is what I had not expected, it distracts from the song and Waylon's very good vocals, which are really the best part of this performance.

Waylon's image is as expected, quite flamboyant with a leopard jacket.

The Netherlands First Rehearsal

The Netherlands are up next, with Waylon taking to the stage. He seems to be joined by a hybrid of Pirates of the Caribbean and YMCA (especially the hyperactive guitarist to his right). In terms of the staging, it's pretty much the same as the first video for the first minute until the guitarists become dancers. Vocally sound but an odd concept to say the least.