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Germany second rehearsal

Desiree on Sun, 05/06/2018 - 11:40

The next country is Michael Schulte from Germany. I was quite sceptical about the first rehearsal, so let's see if this second one will feature any changes and/or makes me change my mind by seeing and hearing it live.

There have been no changes to this rehearsal as far as I can see and hear. Michael is wearing black and sounding well in the first run. Still not sure what to think of the visuals in the last part of the song, but the first part beautifully makes clear what the song is about for those who may not speak the English language.

Spain second rehearsal

Desiree on Sun, 05/06/2018 - 11:09

New outfits for Alfred & Amaia today - Alfred now wears a black suit and Amaia is in a classic long and wide black dress. These outfits are more traditional but also more romantic so in that way it could suit the song better, even though I also liked what they were wearing during the first rehearsal, being less standard.

Vocally it sounds very good and being the Portuguese neighbours there will probably be quite many Spanish fans in the audience to give them extra support. Still find it hard to guess where this will end up as it could be too sugary as well.