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Vana Tallinn

Shoddy on Wed, 05/06/2009 - 13:55

Here in Russia we have a saying "like if my soul was filled with balsam" ("kak balzam na dušu") meaning that something is a great recreation. It's breathtaking and clearily goes to the final.
Estonian performance starts with Sandra standing in haze and screen animations show miriads of stars and constellations, while small round screens go to the lowest level possible, hiding the rest of the band from cameras. When song advances to the first refrain they rapidly rise to their usual position, while backdrops change to greenish blue northern lights. After messy horror from Ukraine "Rändajad" is even more a charming masterpiece then it actually is.
We agree that this is going to be Top-5 with some chances of victory. Everything about Estonia on stage is simply beautiful. No need to mention, vocally it's perfect. Hopefully, Sandra will block Ukraine.
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From Estonia 1
From Estonia 1
From Estonia 1
From Estonia 1
From Estonia 1
From Estonia 1
From Estonia 1