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Updates from the Russians....

As reported before, Alexey Vorobyov went last tuesday to Belgium for a one day promotion trip. Now the tv performance on the live aternoonshow 'Studio TVL' at TV-Limburg can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vq2lDUQ4uY&feature=channel_video_title

The performance was again live as that is the only way the russian singer wants to perform.

Partytime in Dusseldorf with Alexey Vorobyov

Last night several parties took place in the city of Dusseldorf. For sure the price of the best party is to be given to the dutch delegation as they organised a party on the Royal Crown ship in attendance of many participants and of course the dutch entry 3Js. Alexey Vorobyov could not be missed on the boat since the dutch group has said before the russian entry is one of their favourites. Alexey gave a splendid live performance after which we headed shortly to the Bosnia and Herzegovina party to end up at the Euroclub for the OGAE party.

Photos of last evening can be found here: