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Updates from Mika Newton's team.......

The great team behind Mika Newton passed some information on to us today.....read about it here.....

7 May 2011, DUSSELDORF. TheUkrainian delegation had its second rehearsal scheduled late on the 6thof May. Mika Newton appeared on the stage of Esprit Arena wearing her stunningivory dress with the feather bolero on top. She was a little distracted by thetechnical problems which her team was experiencing during the rehearsal but itonly added to her strong desire to perform in the best way possible.

During the press conference the representative of thedelegation Alexander Sineutsky mentioned that the rehearsal was a bitfrustrating because of the technical troubles which concerned KseniyaSimonova's table. It took an extra 30 minutes on stage and in the viewing roomto settle down everything before the Ukrainians and the organizers agreed onhow to locate a lamp above the table where Kseniya Simonova draws her sandspectacle.

Kseniya Simonova, the sand animation artist, commentedon her experience during the second rehearsal: "It was notso bad but I had problems with my camera and the stagelight. The team of the stage was rather professional and patient. They saidthat they had never worked with sand animation and all wasunusual for them. I toldthem that I feltthe same. I was speaking half in German, half in English andtheylaughed and smiled. Eventually wecame to terms. I must admit thatmy performance here is very complicated - it requires very fast drawing skills. The originalversion of this sand performance lasted for 7 minutes. That is why I had topractice hard to fit in the three minute time on stage. I was worried about the rehearsal just as much asMika.

Mika Newton: "Every year Ukraine shows great resultsin the Grand Final. I understand very well that the expectation are high bothfrom the Eurovision audience and from the Ukrainians. Every time the rehearsalis stressful and every time we try to appeal to the production team and to workon our personal acts. Fortunately, NDR has been very helpful so far".

Mika Newton and Kseniya also talked about theirexperience of working together. Kseniya Simonova who is known for her charitywork in Ukraine said that the main reason for her to be a part of this projectwas her awareness of Mika's attention to the problems of deprived children."The song Angel is all about the Hopeand the Kindness. It is about our guardian angels who are always around, theyhelp us when we feel lonely and bring hope to our lives. Being part of theContest this year gives me the opportunity to inspire all the viewers to "share their heart". I will also bedrawing for each and every kid of those 45 from the orphanage house which I ampatronating in Eupatoriya, my native town.

The story is about a little girl who has lost hermother. She feels frightened and lonely until an Angel comes to defend her fromthe indifference in this world".

"I am very happy to have Kseniya in this performance.I can feel how much power she adds to this song with her visual art. I am veryproud and honoured that such a great artist as Kseniya will be on the stagewith me. Knowing that behind me there is such an emotional show just makes mefeel the wings."

In the end of the press-conference Mika sang theoriginal version of the song in Russian and received loud applause from theaudience. The two ladies then proceeded to the photo shoot with the pressmembers.