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Semi one 1st review from us......

Semi one after the first run through

Poland, well it has to be said that we loved this before the rehearsals started but now sadly Magdalene seems to get lost in the vast hall, her voice, while very very powerful normally seemed strained and missing something. Staging was very different from what we have seen so far as the boy dancers have gone, replaced by girl dancers who help with backing vocals.


Norway. One of our pet hates before arriving in Germany, this was THE surprise of the first two days for us. They dropped the key she is singing in and now finally the vocal seems to suit the song, staging is very effective and helps the whole thing BUT is this doomed to be the song that people need to be drunk for and will they be drunk by song number 2


Albania. Ok so we have called her the DIVA of the contest, but this was never meant in a bad way at all. Aurela is a DIVA and OMG is she a belter too. Her vocal projection and energy on stage are pretty spot on with this. The whole arena knows she’s arrived on stage, in fact even with the soundproofing several windows cracked on the small train that brings us to the stadium about 1km away. Sailing though this semi…


Armenia. Well now we come to the first of the big hitters in recent times. That said their head start in the points has been somewhat tempered in the last few years. Emmy is a little darling, starting of on a big boxing glove, swivelled round by the Greek-OPA boys and launches into her dance/song routine with all the gusto of a demented cat on acid. We love it……boom boom.


Turkey. Ok not the best Turkish rock song if we are honest. The cage thing was quite random, but we are told that there is a surprise later on with this…..yep Mike and Daniel will appear complete with bottle of vodka, smoking a cigarette, are looking like rock chicks coming home form a night on the town. Obviously this will go through to the final, but then sadly disappear in a puff of dry ice, laser beams and guitar riffs.


Serbia. We saw no costumes with this. Shame. Effectively keeping the 3 dolly birds and glamorous singer staging this is a real treat coming after Turkey. Nina was in fine form voice wise, are only criticism being the PINK, yes BRIGHT PINK backdrop…..my eyes!!!!!!! After the Balkan-fest of last year this is refreshing, qualifying and then hitting round about 10th-15th in the final


Russia. Now we have to be kind here. Alexey gave both of us the biggest bear hugs EVEHHHHH when he saw us at the interview and honestly this guy is getting a bad press, but focussing on the performance we did get our first WOW moment here. Great dancing and almost perfect singing this is very very dangerous. We predict at least top 5 for this in the final now. And it’s not just cos the shoes and jackets light up. The only thing we did think was a bit naff is the back-flip….here’s hoping there are no Sakis moments during rehearsals!!


Switzerland. Anna and her boyzzzzz are just perfect darlings in everyway. Honestly the hottest delegation here. They should really think about modelling work cos these three all look mighty fine. On the song, ok we like it; it’s staged simply with a charm that is sometimes missing at Eurovision when all the bells and gizmos of other performances start, BUT this is blown away but the song before in every single way. Damn! And this is the only song that gets two scores….one for our hearts and one for our heads!

10/10 (and reality 4/10)

Georgia. Best song of the contest. Right up Mike’s street as far as songs and music go. BUT, and this is a huge BUT, the costumes shouldn’t have the added coloured piping on them. They are more than effective traditional Georgian costumes on their own and we say ditch the piping. Moving on to the song, we know lots of people have this as their pet hate, however never being ones to stay on trend we think this is just perfect. In everyway. Sopho’s vocal is excellent, the rapping is pitched just right and is all, for us at least, comes together in the best way on stage. Fingers crossed for this going through and finishing around 7th-10th place in the final.


Finland. We have been on record ion the past of being a bit down on Paradise Oscar. Let us just state now that this guy is a different person here in Dusseldorf, funny, lucid, up for a laugh, and now with a very dangerous dark horse of a song. Literally everybody sings along with this every single time it is played. It is so infectious and catchy (like scabies in a CD grab scrum) that this will have them grabbing for their phones on final night….yes I said final night cos this is probably one of the few guaranteed qualifiers. Easily.


Malta. Glennnnnnnnnnn. We loveeeeeeeee you………perfect perfect fan boy song from the most sweetest, excited, angel of a young man. Glen was still interviewing 2 hours after he was meant to go to his hotel yesterday. One problem, which we said all along, the song is kinda wrong for his soulful powerful voice. Give this guy a rousing ballad to sing and wooo-hooo instant qualification. One life on the other hand…..


San Marino. Senit is the female equivalent of Glen Vella from Malta. The only delegation, so far, to make a little office in the press centre, be approachable at all times and just generally be sweet and helpful with anything….and the song. Well we know that people think this is one of the more simple songs, but we see that as an advantage in this day and age of huge stage shows, we have our fingers crossed for a qualification for this. And not just cos we love Senit, we actually really love the song too….


Croatia, costume changes, really this is so original for Eurovision, like we have never seen this before….OMGOMGOMG. Anyway songs ok, she’s adequate and does an ok job but gonna struggle.


Iceland. Goodbye from us! Lots of people liked this but we are not one of them.


Hungary. First fan fail. Seriosuly this is a great song, but her vocal let her down badly, she got lost on the huge stage. Which is a shame.


Portugal. Hahahahahahahahaha. We get the joke but it’s not funny anymore. However this might just be in time for the drunks across Europe to reach for their phones, dial the number and shove this right up the final’s backside. Where it will fail miserably


Lithuania. Disney on acid. Very very bad acid. Okay so she’s lovely, but the song people, the SONG!!!!!!


Azerbaijan. The highlight of the day. Just when we were about to reach for the knive to open up a few veins on our wrists this came along to brighten our day. And such sweet sweet people. Awwwwww;-)))


Greece. Really we have said so much about this song pre-contest that to say more now would be a waste of time. Which is probably what this song is anyway. Maybe that’s unfair, we get what they are doing, the guys are the sweetest perfect gents, and will be in the final, but that’s as far as they get.
