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Jury Final Live blog Part 1 Opening act, Finland, Bosnia, Denmark, Lithuania and Hungary.....

Opening act

So Stefan Raab is the big surprise? Wow? I am not overly impressed to be honest. Things did pick up when Lena appeared but we also have to think is this fair in the grand scheme of things? I know she’s a returning artist but she gets two goes on the stage….hummmm…..sorry but this is dreadful. I know its an opening act but really?? It's not the Stefan Raab show. We preferred Whadda hadda do du da!!!!! The Germans seem to be loving it though;-))

And the hosts....well yes ok they're nice and quite funny but I prefer the transformation of the arena thing they have going on...while they remove the big band stage;-)))


This is a nicely crafted song, even if the lyrics can seem a bit twee and naff. That said as an opener to the show this really could get lost in the mêlée of songs that follow. It does have very effective staging and I think that this guy is better than Tom Dice, and we all know what happened there…his vocal is a bit off tonight though....nerves anyone?? And lifeless.....oh dear;-)


Blows Finland of the stage. Still not too sure around the jigging around the stage, and I personally think that Dino would have been better just standing at the mic strumming the guitar, not gonna win now but at least he should do a good turn.....just one problem I have is the ear to ear beaming smile on his face....kinda scary!!! BUt that said one of the top 10 placings is his for the taking...


The draw really screws the chances for this now. Last night at the semi I thought that this could be a candidate for the crown that we had all missed so far. Then it got drawn 3rd after Bosnia…..I still love the “rock-god we’re in a stadium let’s go mad football kick into the crowd moment” And the cutest band on the Eurovision stage for a long time. The lighting on this is fantastic too;-))) It's all very believable though...could still be a big surprise


I get this now. I didn’t before, but now I do. Her voice is amazing, such power that it makes you forget that the song is tripe served with cold porridge. She also has the biggest boobs going;-))) Watch this one though cos it could hit us all in the face like hot water on a cold day.....dangerous. Oh Dear!!!!!! She also seems to be loving the stage moment that she has.


Adequate. And that’s all really. This huge fan fav is really not a contender anymore. Oh I just noticed the big crown ring on her hand. Sadly this will be the only crown she gets in Dusseldorf.....top 15 for sure but no more than that!!!