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First Semi 1 rehearsals conclusion

Shoddy on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 17:23

Just as last of first 18 rehearsals flew behind, pigeon holes 'treasure hunt' was done and a trip back home succeed, it's time to make some predictions and quick recap of everything we've seen in last two days.
To kick off with some good news I have to admit that my worst expectations weren't fulfilled at all. First semifinal of 2009 turned out to be a line up of (mostly) great songs with just few exceptions (we'll talk about it later). By the way, there was one big difference between Day 1 and Day 2 rehearsals -the camera work. During Sunday runs the way it cought angles and views went totally wrong, dramatically climaxing when ruining Swiss stage performance. However, today we saw how greatly this issue has been solved. In mostly all cases the image on screens was way better then in-hall impression (taking Portugal as the most evident example of it)... Anyway, it's all fun and games until someone... Uh, well, let's advance to my very personal predictions.

ICELAND and MALTA are certain qualifiers just as they are. Stage graphics, dance routine (or absence of that), contrast with adjacent entries and all other banal stuff that makes up such a thingie called "ESC chances" just scream out these two names. Yohanna and Chiara, we will meet you in finals.
SWITZERLAND, FINLAND, PORTUGAL, SWEDEN and BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA will most likely avoid any troubles to join two entries mentioned above, but that's where some level of probability marches into.
On other hand, I can't see that anything can actually help CZECH REPUBLIC and REP. of MACEDONIA to make it through, sorry. With chances slightly above zero I've listed BELARUS and BULGARIA, but that can change dramatically if these too entries face some serious and well needed improvement.
If I'm asked to list 10 entries that in my opinion are going to qualify, these would be the ones I'd mentioned: Montenegro, Sweden, Armenia, Switzerland, Turkey, Iceland, Finland, Portugal, Malta, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I'm more then confident that a jury pick is going to be an entry from televoters' Top-9, that's for sure.

And last but not least, here comes my desperate plea of attention... Guys, we awfully need your feedback. :P We know that many people read an English part of our little bloggie, so please, don't hesitate to cast come little comments, share your views and such. Please, don't make us feel lonely in the press site of that huge arena :P

Hi guys! I have to say that you've done a great bit of work! It's both entertaining and undoubtedly, a great pleasure to read your blog, both Russian and English parts! You're being read, don't even worry about it! :)

When/where can we see a pic of the entire ESC-team?

Dima, nobody likes Krasi, just accept this ... :))

There's no point in blaming me for that, mate. Before rehearsals Krassimir was my #2 studio versions-wise, you can check. Bulgarian team is the one to blame for it. Stage positioning, way too loud unaligned voices, weird backdrop - all it leads into ruining the awesome entry that it used to be :(
I mourn with you, but I just can't add him into Entries-to-pass list just because he was "good in the past"

You want comments...here they are =)

It's a new voting system. The Jury's pick does not make much sense now any more in my opinion since(as you mentioned) it will probably be one of the top 9 anyway.
I can see why people like Switzerland but I can also see why people may not vote for it. They will have to depend on the jury votes imho. Finland could have been better with a less shaky male voice...
Turkey is one of those "worked pretty good in younger past"-entries. Sex sells and she will probably make top 5 in the final even with jury votes(even though I am not very sure where 50%(jury votes) will go then).
Bosnia & Herzegovina has not been a dark horse here and showed its potential already. I guess this will draw many peoples' attention and juries could be nice to them, too. Possibly more jury points than turkey and a real contender for top 3 in the semi and top 5 in the final.

Belgium will miss out. Why would a jury vote for this?! There are great voices in this semi and that is where I am predicting most of the juries to vote for.

Malta is a little underwhelming. The song just does not fit her. She has a great history here at the ESC but the song just doesn't do. This year maybe only around 10th place in the final, but of course she should reach it easily with new voting system.

OK, l8a