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End of the day in Amsterdam......

Looking forward to tomorrow now as we join the gathered press and go on the organised tour with the delegations......

Speaking of organisation the guys behind the Amsterdam weekend work so hard and all for very little thanks. Well done boys....you know who you are. We wish you all the best for tomorrow

Okay, so today? Well we met with several delegations, and did some video interviews. Easy-peesy Glen Vella was simply the best to interview, had to almost shut him up in the end.....at the other end of the spectrum one interview was like trying to pull teeth out with no anaesthetic and one ended up a complete disaster with interruptions....until told to SHUT THE F**K up;-))

You'll have to check www.esckaz.com tomorrow for all the goodies as our upload slots are tomorrow.

What did we learn today though? Well Alexey is much cuter in real life than in photos, Aurela has loads of energy and wants to give it all to us on stage in Dusseldorf, Glen is a perfect sweetie, Paradise Oscar has the best English ever, Senit is a GODDESS and finally that we are very very very tired, in need of vodka with a few bubbles of lemonade and a warm soft bed......


And don't forget to check back tomorrow for all the piccies and vids;-))


Oh in case you're wondering we are giving the Cafe Rouge a miss tonight cos it'a a long day tomorrow.....