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And the morning so far......

Well we've only had four so far and things seem to have moved around a bit....

Poland, the general consensus is that the vocal got a bit lost in the arena, which is a shame, we're still not sure if the new dancers work or not and will reserve judgement for the second rehearsal......

From Poland 1st rehearsal

Norway......hated hated hated this before the rehearsals start, but now see this qualifying with ease, which will please an awful lot of the fans,

From Norway 1st rehearsal

Albania was in full make-up (as always) and in full belting Diva mode.....gotta say we love Aurela she does know how to belt things out......LOUDLY.......

From Albania 1st rehearsal photos

And finally this morning we have Armenia.....I love it, Daniel hates it, the press centre is divided but personally I see this going through now......but what do I know, I had Latvia winning few years back and look how that turned out!!

But there are ribbons on stage.....

From Armenia 1st Rehearsal

And just for you aural pleasure some short "singing" from the press conferences......

Click at your own risk;-))

and some random photos too.....aren't we spoiling you;-)

Poland and Norway and the stage.....

Poland.....have to say was not too impressed to be honest, she seemed quite weak in her voice and the staging that we have seen before with the two male dancers seemed to have much more impact....

From Poland 1st rehearsal

The backdrop was also quite plain with what appears to be a skyline of Dusseldorf......

Check the video here....

Norway on the other hand impressed me very much, they moved the key up for her so she is not quite as screechy in her vocals.....staging very plain and simple but effective.....

From Norway 1st rehearsal

Check the video here.....

And the arena, well really rather good, not too huge inside that you get lost but at the same time very impressive.....the stage is effective but you can look for yourself here.....

From Poland 1st rehearsal
From Poland 1st rehearsal