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2nd runs from this morning.....

Sweden........much much better but still all this effort just to break a bit of glass seems like a drama too far for me....and it does lok very clumsy then.....still most most likely to qualify as it's Sweden and they always do.....oh hang on.....OPPS!!!

From Sweden 2nd rehearsal

Cyprus. This has come out of nowhere, fast. Wow just wow, who the hell said this guy cannot sing. He is amazing.....and so is the shot putter. I can see the looks on the front row of the audience already if that ball leaves her hand!!

From Cyprus 2nd rehearsal

Bulgaria. We love Poli, we love Poli, we love Poli......fan-bloody-tastic

From Bulgaria 1st rehearsal

Macedonia, errummmmmmmm, well yes, ok, we see what you mean now!

From Macedonia 1st rehearsal

Some updates from Mika Newton's team live in Dusseldorf......

5 May 2011, DUSSELDORF. The Ukrainian entry to Eurovision 2011 Mika Newton has already made friends with many participants of this year’s contest. But her closest friend in Dusseldorf became Nadine Beiler, who is representing Austria. Yesterday the two girls met in Euroclub to hang out and to chill after their hectic working days. Mika and Nadine shared with each other their first impressions of rehearsals and of the atmosphere at the Contest in general.
“We like talking to each other as we are both singers and almost of the same age. We both have experience on stage, interesting stories about show-biz, personal opinion about every song. It’s nice to realize that among many contestants there are people which I made friends with. When we meet inside the walls of Esprit Arena or at the parties, we enjoy it very much and share our opinions on what is going on. This is also some kind of countenance. In addition, Nadine is such an adorable lady!” - Mika says.
Nadine Beiler: “Mika and I indeed became true friends. We met for the first time in Austria. Our next meeting happened in Amsterdam during the Eurovision in Concert party. After that, Mika invited me to perform at her farewell party in Kyiv. I am so glad that we will see each other many more times here in Dusseldorf. And I think our friendship will last even after the Eurovision. I love Mika’s song. I am sure many Austrians will vote for her and she will make it to the final. In any case, I will be keeping fingers crossed for her. I am also impressed by Kseniya Simonova and her sand animation show. It’s a great idea, very new and unusual!”

From Ukraine 1st Rehearsal

Both singers will perform in the second semi-final but this doesn’t affect their friendship in any way. Nadine has already invited Mika Newton to join her in watching the first semi-final which will take place on May 10th.
Beside this, during the first rehearsal Mika and Nadine have already revealed their stage costumes. During her performance Nadine will be sparkling in a specially made little black dress with attached Swarowski crystals (4 mm to 2 cm). The Austrian singer will sing her ballad The Secret is Love on a japanned pedestal which reminds a polished crystal. The pedestal itself is decorated with 3mln Swarowski stones. The microphone of Nadine will be placed in a special case also decorated with the crystals of the famous Austrian brand.

Tontalente report

Andy on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 09:42

Well, this was the most enjoyable evening.

From Tontalente
From Tontalente
From Tontalente
From Tontalente

We have the winner: it is lovely Felix Hein and he performed the song Grenade (cover version of Bruno Mars). It was a bit of surprising to see the cover song winning, but Felix has a great voice and during the interview he showed us he can write own material as well. At least he is a real newcomer and I hope he spends his prize wisely. Oh, and isn't he looking like Paradise Oskar?

From Tontalente

We also had on stage as special guests band BILK who are performers of official Eurovision 2011 anthem Tanzen, written by maestro Dieter Falk, who is mastermind of the Tontalente contest.

From Tontalente

For the rest click on "More"

Updates from Russia

On tuesday Alexey visited the turkish party and it was very remarkable that the press attention for him was very high. Several national station amongst georgia, greece and azerbaijan made an interview with him. He also met with several delegation amongst the beautiful twins from Slovakia and even with Eric Saade from Sweden with whom he conducted an interview for MTV Russia.

Photos of the party can be seen here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150285704744202.402287.53441…