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Chat with Kristall from Ukraine

Andy on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 16:48

Kristall introduces her backing dancers and vocalists who are Kirill, Dasha, Lena and Ram. It happens that Kirill celebrates his birthday today and Kristall had prepared special present for him. They speak about song Europe, it's message that everyone should stay himself, not trying to copy anyone else, and then you will become first and the strongest. From Eurovision she expects to get a lot of new friends and represent Ukraine on a good level. They feel they are totally ready for the contest.

Welcome party coverage...

Andy on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 13:44

No press is the final word here, not even camera crews of the participating broadcasters. The exclusive coverage will be done by official site of the contest. They also hope to present view of the stage later today.
We will cover departure of delegations to the party, so stay tuned for that, we've heard some of them have prepared really special outfits.

Katya Ryabova returns to Eurovision!

Andy on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 13:14
From Russia arrival
From Russia arrival

Katya says that her flight was really well, landing was good. She wants to represent her country on a good level and find a new friends.
She also says hello to her father who stayed at home and certainly will be watching our video.

Quite contradicting information comes on arrival of Dima Bilan who promised to support Katya Ryabova. According to some sources he will arrive on Friday or Saturday, on other sources, he had rejected the proposal last week. Anyway, you can see article on Dima and Katya in the new issue of Hello magazine.

Chat with Candy from Georgia

Andy on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 11:40

It goes in Russia, English, Armenia and Japanese languages :)

Translation of Russian part: Our song is very childish, it is easy to remember by anyone, funny, sweet, dance. Now they are getting prepared for the welcome party, and are worried before their first performance here in Yerevan.
Translation of Armenian part: We want to perform in such was, so that Georgia is proud of us.
No Japanese translator was available at the moment.
And, by the way, Candy brought 7 versions of outfits - new one per every day of the week.

Social activities for delegations

Andy on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 11:24

Finally we've been able to sneak in the schedules of delegation, and we've learnt that the regular city tour (Wednesday/Thursday) will include visits to Etchmiadzin Cathedral (city of Etchmiadzin, located 18 km outside Yerevan) and Matenadaran manuscript repository and lunch - from 10.00 to 14.00

Non-mandatory social activities: City Walk, Cascade, Tsitsernakaberd (Armenian Genocide Memorial), Yerevan History Museum.

Opening party today - press is totally not allowed.
Euroclub will be located not in the hotel, but in Jose Club, 20-23.00

Wednesday 16.30 - EBU, ArmTV, WorldVision press-conference
Thursday, 16.00 Sirusho press-conference, opening segment rehearsal

Good-bye cocktail - Sunday Ani Plaza Hotel Bar 01.30-02.30


Andy on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 03:51

blame organizers, a third mistake in the schedule we've been provided, so Sweden had arrived this night before Belarus, and hopefully we will see them a bit later. We're waiting for Georgia now who will arrive on train.