supports Luminita Anghel and Sistem!![]() |
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Финал намечен на 5
марта. Final is scheduled for March 5th. ![]() |
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Anghel was born on October 7th 1968, in Bucharest. She is a graduate of the Popular Art
School, section Vocal-Light Music. At present, she is a student in the 4th year at the
Faculty of Sociology- Psychology within the University “ Spiru Haret”. |
Ангел родилась 7го октября 1968го года в Бухаресте.
Она закончила художественную школу по классу
вокала. В настоящее время она учится на 4м курсе
факультета социологии-психологии университета
"Спиру Харет". |
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SISTEM is an unconventional
percussion group. All the five percussionists of the band have thorough studies of classical music and, in time, have acquired a wide experience in this domain. At the moment, they have a wide and highly original repertory, consisting of music parts for metal and plastic barrels, casks as well as for different parts of the human body. They also make use of bags, coffee-cups and lanterns to produce their music, all this building up a performance full of special effects that combine water effects with those based on fire or dust. What made it possible for SISTEM to come into being was the fascination they had for the new ways of expression. In the beginning their music was a kind of minimal music, an original mixture of body music (they used parts of the human body instead of instruments) and rhythms played at different other objects. As for the history of the group, SISTEM was formed in November 2000. There followed a long period of experiencing various styles and rhythms, but this period finally came to its end the moment the group adopted its present formula, which is actually unique in the whole world: five percussionists playing the casks -unconventional musical accessories- and using only a normal drum-set. At present, the group consists of five members, all of them being professional percussionists: Robert MAGHETI, Florin ROMASCU, Claudiu PURCARIN, Ciprian ROGOJAN and Toth ZOLTAN. While the first one is still student at the Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca, the other four have already graduated at the same academy. Various composers have written most of their songs, but the percussion parts have always been composed by SISTEM. But this is not all, for their final performance they have created an elaborate show that combines music, special effects and choreography. And for this, they have to spend many hours rehearsing and exchanging ideas. SISTEM's success is - thus – due to their hard work and commitment: they rehearse daily and their rehearsals are usually two or three hours long, if one does not include their individual study. It happens so because they all believe in their music and because they really want to get an outstanding show in the end: there is not only music; there are also scenarios, pyrotechnical effects and choreography at stake. SISTEM repertory was made public in live performances, in concerts, in national and international festivals and TV shows. · European Karate Championship - Cluj Napoca 2000 · International Percussion Festival - Debrecen HUNGARY 2000 · Vengaboys & Friends Concert - Bucharest 2001 · HAGI GALA – Bucharest 2001 · Music Festival – Chisinau MOLDAVIAN REPUBLIC 2001 · International Festival Sighisoara 2001 · « Bucharest » Music Festival 2001, 2002 · « Mamaia » National Music Festival 2002 · Tour – Singapore SINGAPORE 2002 · « Callatis » International Festival 2001, 2002 · Opening of International Festival « Golden Stag» 2004 · International Festival « Golden Stag » 2001, 2002 · Opening of MTV RO Awards 2004 · Romania’s entry in the NATO 2004 · Europe’s Day - Stokholm SWEDEN 2004 · Moldavia Rally 2004 · Official Launch - Dacia « Logan » 2004 · World Championship of Military ski 2005 · EUROVISION (national selection) 2005 Since they have emerged on the Romanian music scene Sistem has always been in top positions of most of the airplay charts in Romania. At the present moment, Sistem is in top positions of most of the airplay charts in Romania, they have just released their third album and their latest single has entered at #79 the Romanian Top 100 (most important Romanian airplay chart). In the next few weeks the track has made it to #7 and is now heading for the Top 5. |
СИСТЕМ - это
перкуссионная группа. Все пять музыкантов группы профессионалы, изучали и занимались классической музыкой. В настоящее время они имеют весьма широкий и оригинальный репертуар, состоящий из музыкальных произведений исполняемых на металлических и пластиковых бочказ, касках и различных частях человеческого тела. Они также используют сумки, чашки и фонари для создания совей музыки, совмещая выступление с спецэффектами из воды, огня и пыли. В начале музыка СИСТЕМ была минималистской. Они исполняли музыку различными частями человеческого тела, потом они стали исполнять ритмы на различных других объектах. Группа была сформирована в ноябре 2000 года. После долгих изысканий группа пришла к своей современной формуле, которая абсолютно уникальна в мире, пять перкуссионистах играющих на необычных музыкальных аксессуарах, и использующая из музыкальных инструментов только ударную установку. В настоящее время в группу входят пять профессиональных музыкантов - Роберт Магети, Флорин Ромаску, Клаудиу Пуркарин, Киприан Рогоян и Тот Золтан. Первый из них учится в музыкальной академии, остальные четверо уже ее закончили. Множество музыкантов писало песни для группы, но перкуссионные части всегда сочиняют сами СИСТЕМ. Но это не все, для своего выступления на Евровидении они создали уникальное шоу, совмещающее музыку, спецэффекты и хореографию. Для этого они потратили множество часов на репетиции и обмен идеями. Успех СИСТЕМ в их тяжелой работе и преданности своему делу, ежедневно они репетируют по два или три часа, а также занимаются индивидуально. Они верят в свою музыку и в конце концов хотят создать неповторимое шоу - не только музыку, но пиротехнические эффекты и хореографию. Репертуар СИСТЕМ был подобран для исполнения на живых концертах, местных и международных фестивалях, ТВ шоу. Группа прияняла участие в следующих событиях: - Чемпионат Европы по Карате 2000 - Международный перкуссионный фестиваль - Венгрия 2000 - Концерт Венгабойз и друзья - Бухарест 2000 - Хаги Гала - Бухарест 2001 - Музыкальный фестиваль в Кишиневе 2001 - Международный фестиваль Сайисоара 2001 - Фестиваль Бухарест 2001, 2002 - Фестиваль Мамайя 2002 - Тур по Сингапуру 2002 - Фестиваль Каллатис 2001, 2002 - Открытие фестиваля Голден Стаг 2004 - Фестиваль Голден Стаг 2001, 2002 - Открытие церемонии вручения премий MTV Румыния 2004 - НАТО 2004 - День Европы в Стокгольме 2004 - Молдавское Ралли 2004 и других шоу. С момента своего создания группа СИСТЕМ занимает ведущие места в хит парадах Румынии, они только что выпустили свой третий альбом и их сингл вошел в хит парад топ 100 на 79 месте и за несколько недель поднялся до первой десятки. |
Hello, guys! Congratulations for being chosen Romanian representatives at Eurovision 2005,
how do you feel now, being selected Eurovision singers? |
Привет, ребята! Поздравляю вас с победой на
румынском отборе 2005 года! Что вы чувствуете
сейчас, будучи выбранными конкурсантами
Евровидения? |
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All the five members of SISTEM
have most impressive profiles: specialized studies, international awards and outstanding
live performances! Toth Zoltan (Zoli) was born on the 25th of November 1976 in Timisoara (sign of Sagittarius). At present, he is the Managing Director of the 'Star Management' Company (the first on-line booking agency in Romania). In 1995, he graduated from The 'Ion Vidu' Music High School in Timisoara and in 2000 from the 'Gh Dima' Conservatoire of Cluj-Napoca. He is the upholder of the unconventional percussion music in Romania and it is actually he that introduced this music style for the first time in Romania. In 1997 he founds Hands'n'Feet Quartet and later on, he also sets up SENSOR, a percussion group. His professional experience is very impressive indeed: in 1994 he was one of the representatives of Romania in the Olympic Competition, in Los Angeles, USA. Moreover, he has gradually acquired notable experience in solo performing in concerts around the country or abroad: Timisoara, Deva, Oradea , Cluj, Tg. Mures, Bucharest, Budapest, Koln. On these occasions, he presented for the first time, as first hearings, pieces of music signed by Peter Szego and Ede Terenyi. In addition to that, together with his first group Hands’ n’ Feet Quartet he has given various concerts in Brasov, Bistrita, Miercurea-Ciuc, Costinesti and Cluj. Zoltan had the opportunity to study with Therry Miroglio (The Paris Conservatoire) and with Mircea Ardeleanu (Music Academy – Lausanne, Switzerland). In 2000 he won a music scholarship to the Music Academy of Koln, Germany, having Christoph Caskel as one of his Professors. In the same year he became Bachelor of Arts of The "Gh. Dima" Music Academy with excellent qualifications. He has played and worked with prestigious groups, such as: Marimbas Quartet, Ars Nova, Pro Muzica Nova, Anonimus (being included on four CD-s) and he was also member of The Percussion Ensemble conducted by Professor Grigore Pop. In 1999 he went on a tour in Germany, and in 2000 he became a member of the Ensemble “Neue Musik” - Koln. He was Principal in The International Orchestra "Elbe Wesser", Germany (1993-1998) as well as in The International Orchestra Nyrbator, Hungary (1997) and in The "Kolner Simphony Orchestra", Germany (2000). He received a lot of awards, such as: The 3rd Prize in The National Olympic Competition-Timisoara (1994), The 1st Prize in The National Olympic Competition-Constanta, The 2nd Prize in The National Olympic Competition-Baia Mare (1995), The 2nd Prize in The National Contest of Solo Percussion-Bucharest (1998). Between 2000 and 2002 he worked as a percussion teacher at the “Sigismund Toduta” Music High School, Cluj-Napoca. As a teacher, he still won many first prizes in national Olympic contests (2001,2002). Robert Magheti (Robi) was born on March 29th, 1981 in Timisoara (sign of Aries). He graduated from The „Ion Vidu" Music High School in 1999, with a diploma in percussion, and The „Gh. Dima" Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca, Instrumental Interpretation-Percussion section, in 2005. His artistic activity relies also on many awards and prizes, obtained in The National Music Olympics from 1993 to 1999, four of them being 1st Prizes. Meanwhile, he has had many solo concerts both in Romania and all across Europe (France, Germany). In 1999 he took part at The International Festival of University Music from Belfort, France. |
Claudiu Purcarin ( The
Godfather )was born on the 15th of April 1979 (sign of Aries). He graduated from the
„Sigismund Toduta" Music High School from Cluj-Napoca and attended various groups
as a percussionist: Atlantic (1994 -1997), Gaio Pro Jazz Napocensis Bia Band (1999 -
2000), Voices of Silence (1997-1998), Adrian Berinde (1998-1999), Mihai Porcisanu Quartet
(2000), Old Timers Dixiland (2000), Hara (2000). He also worked for some time with other
bands such as: Altar (1998), Un alt inceput / Another Start (1999), Narcoma (1999), Yelow
Cab’66 (1998). He recorded tracks with Cash group (1998), Narcoma (1999) and Hara 2000.
His collaboration with Hara even resulted in them shooting a video together. Mihai Ciprian Rogojan (Cici) was born on September 23rd, 1977 in Baia Mare (sign of Libra). In 1991, he graduated from The Art High School in Baia Mare, namely from the Violin Department, for only in 1995 to graduate from The Percussion Department of the same high school. In 2001, he completed his studies by graduating from The “Gh. Dima" Music Academy (Percussion Department). Between 1996 –1998, he took summer classes in classic and orchestral music in Piatra Neamt. His artistic activity is remarkable as well: he was given many important awards at The National Music Olympics (1991 – 1997). Moreover, in 1997, he played live in Bayrenth – Germany. An year later, joining The Academy Orchestra, he had a concert at the Opening Ceremony at the Munchen Airport. In 2000 he also had a few concerts with the Percussion Ensemble in Belfort – France. Florin Catalin Romascu (Phlo) was born on April 21st, 1980 in Constanta (sign of Taurus). In 1999, he graduated from The Art High School in Constanta, being at present a third year student at The "Gheorghe Dima" Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca. He started studying the piano at the age of 5. After 8 years of intense study, in 1993 he began to feel interested in percussion. Since 1993, he has attended many competitions, contests and national and international recitals. As a result, he has also been awarded many prizes, among which: the 1st Prize in the "George Georgescu" Contest, Tulcea, 1994; the “Spring Of Arts” Contest, Bacau; the 1st Prize in The Instrument Performing Contest, Brasov, 1995 and also Constanta, 1997. Between 1989 -1994 he had over 50 concerts and recitals all over the country. In March 1995, together with other music students, he performed in Germany and Holland in a few concerts of great success. In June 1996, as a response to the official invitation addressed by the French Minister of Youth, he, together with the Folklore Group from his Art High School in Constanta, joined a project and took part in many shows all over France. In 1997 he performed in a radio broadcast concert with The “Black Sea” Philarmonic Orchestra, conducted by Aurelian Octav Popa, and in 1998 he performed in a concert on the “Black Sea” Philarmonic stage, in a trio percussion show, with other two professional percussionists. His first solo percussion recital occured in 1999, at The “Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca. |
перевод - здесь When I find you in my dreams You always try to run away It doesn't look it, but it seems You still take my breath away And when I try to ask you why We couldn't give ti one more try I can't find you anywhere You're not there Let me try, let me try I don't wanna say goodbye I will find a way to make you stay Just let me try Looking back I realize We are learning from mistakes I can see it in your eyes I can feel your heartbeat breaks But when I try to ask you why We couldn't give ti one more try I can't find you anywhere You're not there Let me try, let me try I don't wanna say goodbye I will find a way to make you stay Just let me try Let me try, let me try I don't wanna say goodbye I will find a way to make you stay Just let me try Let me try, let me try I don't wanna say goodbye I will find a way to make you stay Just let me try Let me try I will find a way to make you stay Just let me try |
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