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10 финалистов второго полуфинала

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Wiwi Jam 2018

Wiwi Jam 2018

The last few years has seen the rise of the mega parties at Eurovision, from the sophistication of the Nordic Party, the pumped up Israeli Party and finally the Wiwi Jam. The great thing about the Wiwi Jam is that it is open to anyone who can secure a ticket - this year was no exception

Performances from 7 of this years Eurovision contestants, Austria, Portugal, France, Lithuania, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Azerbaijan - as well as some great previous entrants such as Slavko from Montenegro (2017) - and some National Final participants - Tom Hugo (Norway) and Rui Andrade (Portugal)

William and Deban organised a fantastic evening at the Hard Rock Cafe in Lisbon and the show was very much stolen by Eleni Foureira (Cyprus) with Fuego

Hope you enjoy the pictures and videos below; click the playlist link at the bottom

Wiwi Jam 2018


Обзор второй репетиции второго полуфинала (шоу для жюри)

Первая генеральная репетиция 2го полуфинала

Maxim_T on ср, 09/05/2018 - 13:57

Back stage tour

Backstage tour

Selected members of the press were invited to a backstage tour and a walk around the arena area today. While most of the tour was a little irrelevant for press members who had bene here for two weeks, we did have time to visit the prop room, the area reserved for delegations and a great look around the arena - photos and video below

Backstage Tour

Australian Embassy

Australian Embassy

Australian Embassy Function

Once again esckaz.com were invited to the Australian Embassy event - this time in the Eurovision 2018 host city Lisbon.

The delegation from Australia always produce a great event, with complimentary food and drink and a chance to mix and mingle with other journalists, delegations and Embassy staff including his excellency the Ambassador for Australia in Lisbon and the the Chief executive of SBS Australia, Michael Ebeid.

As always the event was in the sumptuous surroundings, this time it was the Sky Bar Lisboa based in one of the top hotels in Lisbon, The Tivoli.

After speeches from Michael Ebeid and hi Excellency Peter Rayner the audience were treated to a short interview with Jessica Mauboy and some performances from her. All videos and photos below

Australian Embassy 2018

Результаты первого полуфинала

С первого полуфинала в финал проходят:

Австрия ??
Эстония ??
Кипр ??
Литва ??
Израиль ??
Чехия ??
Болгария ??
Албания ??
Финляндия ??
Ирландия ??