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Hungary - First rehearsal

Eran on Sat, 05/04/2019 - 12:55

We all remember Joci Papai from Eurovision 2017 when he aced in the Eurovision final and ended 8th for his country. So the expectations from him are high. He gets on stage barefoot, with his black stylish outfit. The video art is filled with golden elements on a black background. It's a slick solid performance of an emotional song. The video art shows faces of Hungarian "dads". I would personally recommend to not include it in the performance; the song is not in English, and this might look weird to people not speaking Hungarian.

Montenegro - First rehearsal

Eran on Sat, 05/04/2019 - 12:32

D Moll dressed all in white, some with nice folk elements on their lapel. The band members walk from different sides of the stage to meet together in the center. The harmonies are not there yet, but we know from their national final performance they can nail it. At one point they all roar together, which was kinda out of context. The color of the stage is gold and purple. Camera work was all over the place, I'm sure they'll get it together in the next rehearsal.
On their second attempt, they sound much better! Camera work still needs to work on.

Now, it's time for our different perspective on what we just saw:

Slovenia - First rehearsal

Eran on Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:40

Slovenia has one of the most unique and enchanting songs this year. Zala and Gašper are on the stage by themselves. They are wearing white outfits, much like they had in the national final. The atmosphere is intimate and spacey video art works very well with the mellow melody and dreamy singing and production. Video art is also featured on the floor. Nothing much going on stage, it's a very minimal stage performance, as it should be. Vocals are on point, and I was thinking for a second I was listening to the studio version. Would love to see them in the final.

Poland - First rehearsal

Eran on Sat, 05/04/2019 - 10:00

Poland first rehearsal. The foursome goes on stage with traditional customs in shining red, wearing head-veils and golden crowns. The veils are being removed and the girls are standing on a rotating small stage. The color is mainly red, with white triangles in the video art, showing the girls' images. Have to say I didn't care too much for it, and it's a shame since I really like "Pali się". We saw them live on other occasions and I know they can be amazing. I believe they'll get better. On their second attempt, they already sound much better. Still, I think this might be borderline in terms of qualifying for the final.