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JELENA TOMASEVIC - Lead vocal Jelena Tomasevic was born in Negotin [Serbia] on 1 November, 1983. She entered the world of music in a town where she finished Elementary School and Gymnasium. At the age of eight, she won the top award at the Children’s Music Festival „Sarenijada“ and three years later, she became the winner of the Yugoslav Children’s Festival. After becoming a member of the Abrasevic Folklore Ensemble, one of the most successful Serbian ensembles, her music career soared. She achieved tremendous results at the most prestigious festivals. In 2002, Jelena emerged on the Serbian music scene and her career as a pop singer started to take off. She won over the jury in the superfinal of the TV show „3K DUR“ which was broadcast on RTS Three with the aim of promoting young talented artists. After this turning point in Jelena’s career, she made a huge breakthrough. In 2003, she competed for the first time at the Budva Festival and finished second at the prestigious festival „Slavjanski bazar“ in Belarus. In 2004, she competed with great success at the Beovizija Festival. In 2005, she met Zeljko Joksimovic. She became a member of the Minacord Production Company. At the Beovizija 2005, she sang the song „Jutro“ composed by Zeljko Joksimovic, written by Aleksandra Milutinovic and won. Jelena was considered one of the favourites at the Serbian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. She came second in the final. Later that same year, she sang the soundtrack to the film „Ivkova slava“ which was written by Zeljko Joksimovic. The film pulled in a record number of viewers. In December 2007, Jelena Tomasevic entered the Beovizija 2008 Open Competition with the song „Oro“ composed by Zeljko Joksimovic and written by Dejan Ivanovic. On 10 March, 2008, she won the Serbian national selection having received the highest number of points from both the jury and televoters. She was awarded the best interpretation prize by the selection jury. BORA DUGIC - Flute Born in Durdevo on June 10th 1949. He finished gymnasium and Educational college, Department of Mathematics. Bora was the secretary of the cultural group “Abrasevic” in Kragujevac, member of the Grand Folk Orchestra RTV Belgrade, and as a solo piper, he recorded numerous records, CDs and video tapes, and he had hundreds of concerts throughout the world. Winner of the October Award, Gold Thimble Award for constant contribution to the culture of Belgrade, and numerous domestic and international awards. He recently celebrated 35 years of artistic work, by a grand solo concert The Play of Spirit and Dash at the Sava Centre. ZELJKO JOKSIMOVIC - Piano, Composer Zeljko Joksimovic was born in Belgrade, on 20 April 1972. In the mid–nineties [1993, 1996, 1997] he achieved great results at the Belgrade Spring Festival as a composer. His composition “Tambourines toll” won the first prize at the Golden Tambourine Festival in Novi Sad in 2000. His success at the Song of the Mediterranean Festival in Budva in 1998, with the composition “The song of sirens” [interpretation award] gave him the possibility of participating in two prestigious international festivals in Belarus, in Mahilyow and Vitsyebsk. In 1999, he won the Grand Prix Award at both festivals. The turning point in Zeljko’s career is his winning the national contest for Serbia and Montenegro’s representative at the “2004 Eurovision Song Contest” with the song “Lane moje”. After a very long time, Serbia and Montenegro had their representative at this prestigious European contest. The second place at the Eurovision Song Contest in Istanbul and THE MARCEL BEZENCON Press Award helped him make his way to the top of the European music scene. In December 2005, his new album was a tremendous success and was sold in more than 500,000 copies. A great success at the Eurovision Song Contest was achieved again in Athens in 2006, when his song LEJLA performed by Hari Mata Hari from Bosnia and Herzegovina not only finished third, but also brought him the prestigious best composer prize [COMPOSER AWARD 2006]. It was awarded to Zeljko by all composers who participated in the festival. In 2004, Zeljko Joksimovic founded the MINACORD PRODUCTION COMPANY. DEJAN IVANOVIC - Liricist Dejan Ivanovic was born in Valjevo, Serbia, in 1972. He has participated with great success in numerous festivals both in the country and abroad [“Belgrade Spring” - Belgrade, “Radio Festival”-Belgrade, “Beovizija” - Belgrade, “Sunny Scales” - Herceg Novi, Montenegro, “Budva Festival” – Montenegro, “Sveslavjanski bazar” – Belarus , “2006 Eurovision Song Contest” - Athens], first as a performer and then as a songwriter. He has been writing lyrics for the most prominent musicians in the Balkans [Tose Proeski, Zeljko Joksimovic, Hari Mata Hari, etc.]. In addition, he writes music for plays and films [„Ivkova slava“]. . ALEKSANDAR SEDLAR BOGOEV - Mandoline, Acoustic guitar Aleksandar Sedlar Bogoev [1982] is a member of the youngest generation of Serbian contemporary classical music composers. He is an assistant professor and is on his final year at the Deprtment of Orchestral Conducting, under professor Bojan Sudic. Since the age of twelve, Aleksandar has been a professional guitar player, bass player, drummer, key board player and vocalist. He has cooperated with the biggest stars of the Serbian pop scene: Zdravko Colic, Zeljko Joksimovic, Sergej Cetkovic, Aleksandra, Kristina and Kornelije Kovac, Marija Serifovic, Ana Stanic, Aleksandra Radovic and Ognjen Radivojevic. He is a frontman of the IQ band, and is about to record the first album with his band. MIRJANA NESKOVIC - Violin She performed as a member of the Majstori Gudaci Group and Dusan Skovran String Orchestra. She was also a member of the non-classical trio “Memento” and string quartet “Vitruvius”. Since 2002, she has been performing as a regular member of the Belgrade Philharmonics. JELENA MITIC - Back vocal Jelena Mitic, singer of the “Paradox” band. She has been supporting various performers as a back vocal of well-known and less known musicians [Sasa Kovacevic, Zeljko Vasic, etc.] at studios and also at the concerts of Svetlana Raznatovic, Sergej Cetkovic, Ivana Jordan, Marija Serifovic, Dado Topic and Jelena Tomasevic. She performed at the Exit Festival in 2005 as a special guest of Ljubisa Stojanovic Luis. She opened the concert of the famous band “Rolling Stones” in Budva in 2007 with Dado Topic. MARKO VULINOVIC - Back vocal Interpreter, copywriter, advertising activist. Born in 1978 in Belgrade , where he made his first music steps. In 2002, Marko recorded his first album with the band “Fifth Element”, called “Good Times”, in cooperation with the famous producer Kristina Kovac. He took part in the Beovizija 2004 Festival and finished second with the song “One Way River”. He participated in the Beovizija 2008 Festival as a solo singer, interpreter and lyricist of the song „Now or Never“. |
![]() Елена Томашевич родилась в Неготине, Сербия, 1го ноября 1983 года. В возрасте 8 лет она завоевала первую премию на детском музыкальном фестивале „Sarenijada“, а три года спустя стала победительницей югославского детского фестиваля. Ее карьера пошла в рост после того, как Елена стала участницей фольклорного ансамбля Abrasevic, одного из наиболее успешных сербских ансамблей. В его составе она достигла успеха на многочисленных фестивалях. В 2002 году Елена начала карьеру поп-певицы. Она завоевала симпатии жюри в суперфинале шоу „3K DUR“, транслировавшегося на телеканале RTS3. В 2003 году она впервые принимает участие в фестивале Budva и занимает второе место на престижном фестивале "Славянский базар" в Беларуси. В 2004 году она впервые участвует в фестивале Beovizija. В 2005 году она знакомится с Желько Йоксимовичем и подписывает контракт с Minacord Production Company. На Beovizija 2005, она побеждает с песней „Jutro“ Желько Йоксимовича и Александры Милутинович. Елена считалась одним из фаворитов и в Сербском национальном финале Евровидения и занимает второе место. Позднее в этом году она записывает саундтрек к фильму „Ivkova slava“, который тоже написал Желько Йоксимович. ![]() Родилася в Дурдево 10 июня 1949 года. Закончил гимназию и колледж, факультет математики. Бора был участником фолклорного оркестра RTV Белград и в качестве сольного исполнителя выпустил множество дисков и видео и дал сотни концертов по всему миру. Недавно Бора отметил 35 летие творческой деятельности. ![]() Желько Йоксимович родился в Белграде 20 апреля 2972 года. В середине 90х он достиг выдающихся результатов на белградском весеннем фестивале в качестве композитора. Успех на средиземноморском конкурсе в Будве в 1998 году открыл ему дорогу к участию на двух престижных фестивалях в Беларуси - в Могилеве и Витебске. В 1999 году он завоевал гран-при обоих этих фестивалей. В 2004 году Желько представил Сербию и Черногорию на конкурсе Евровидение с песней “Lane moje”. В Стамбуле он завоевал второе место и получил приз прессы. В декабре 2005 года новый альбом исполнителя был продан тиражем в 500000 копий. В 2006 году Желько вновь принимает участие в Евровидении, на этот раз в качестве композитора песни LEJLA в исполнении Хари Мата Хари из Боснии, которая заняла третье место и принесла ее автору приз лучшему композитору конкурса. В 2004 Желько Йоксимович основал компанию MINACORD PRODUCTION. ![]() Родился в Вальево, Сербия в 1972 году. Принимал участие во множестве фестивалей как в стране, так и зарубежом, сначала как исполнитель, потом как автор. Он пишет песни для звезд балканской музыки, а также для телефильмов. ![]() С 12 лет Александр играет на гитаре, бас-гитаре, барабанах, клавишах и поет. Он - лидер группы IQ и готовится к записи своего первого альбома. ![]() Выступала в группе Majstori Gudaci и струнном оркестре Душана Сковрана. Входила в трио “Memento” и струнный квартет “Vitruvius”. С 2002 года выступает в Белградской филармонии. ![]() Солистка группы "Paradox", бэк-вокалистка известных сербских исполнителей. ![]() Участник конкурсов Beovizija 2004 и 2008 как соло исполнитель.
Jelena Tomasevic has premierred Spanish version of Oro "Adios Amor", lyrics have been written by Ivana Cabraja, who was backing vocalist of Zeljko Joksimovic and accordionist in Hari Mata Hari performance in 2006. Greek version "Ela Agapi" also has been presented, written by Katerina Nitsopoulou, from band Anemos, Portuguese version has been made public as well. It was originally planned that Russian, English, Finnish and Hebrew versions will be recorded, but busy promoschedule of Jelena may change these plans. All versions will be made available at Jelena's myspace and official site of the contest . | Прошла презентация испанской версии композиции Сербской певицы Елены Томашевич, текст "Adios Amor" был написан Иваной Чабрая, которая была бэк-вокалисткой Желько Йоксимовича и играла на аккордеоне в постановке Хари Мата Хари в 2006. Презентована и греческая версия "Ela Agapi", автор Катерина Нитсопуло из группы Anemos, а также португальская версия. Песни размещаются на официальном myspace Елены и официальном сайте конкурса. Ожидается, что будут записаны русская, английская, финская, португальская версии и версия на иврите, но напряженное расписание промо-акций Елены может сорвать эти планы. | ||
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Serbian national selection 'Beovizija
2008' will be held at the Centre Sava on 19-20 February, 2008. The hosts of the
Beovizija 2008 will be selected in a TV show 'Evrolice' which is broadcast on RTS One
every Monday [21:00 CET]. Twenty songs will be performed at the selection. They have been selected by the following members of the jury out of 100 submitted entries: 1. Ana Milicevic, 2. Anja Rogljic, 3. Zoran Dasic, 4. Nikoleta Dojcinovic, 5. Jelena Vlahovic, 6. Bilja Krstic, 7. Miki Stanojevic Beovizija songs will be presented on January 28th and February 8th in Evropsko lice program and in ten special programs as of February 9th. During semifinal TV viewers and the jury will decide which ten songs will qualify for the final. The winning song of the Beovizija 2008 will represent Serbia at the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade. |
национальный отбор "Беовизия
2008" пройдет в Сава Центре 19-20 февраля 2008 года.
Ведущие отбора будут выбраны посредством
телешоу "Европейское лицо", которое
транслируется на RTS каждый понедельник в 23.00
Москвы. Двадцать песен примут участие в отборе. Они были выбраны 7 членами жюри из 100 поданных заявок 1. Ana Milicevic, 2. Anja Rogljic, 3. Zoran Dasic, 4. Nikoleta Dojcinovic, 5. Jelena Vlahovic, 6. Bilja Krstic, 7. Miki Stanojevic Песни, участвующие в отборе будут презентованы в двух программах Европейское лицо 28го января и 8го февраля, и в 10 специальных шоу, начиная с 9го февраля. Во время полуфинала телезрители и жюри определят, какие 10 песен выйдут в финал отбора. Песня-победитель Беовизии 2008 представит Сербию на Евровидении 2008 в Белграде. |
1. Kvar (Breakdown) (Ognjen Cvekic) - Betty Boop 6+7=13 2. Zavet (The Sacrament) (Vladimir Graic) - Beauty Queens 8+8=16 3. Dunav (The Danube) (Drum’n’Zez - Vojislav Malesev) - Drum’n’Zez 5+1=6 4. Sada ili nikada (Now or never) (Vladimir Preradovic - Marko Vulinovic) - Marko Vulinovic 1+6=7 5. Beli jablan (White poplar) (Boris Krstajic - Boban Jankovic and Aleksa Jelic) - Aleksa Jelic and Ana Stajdohar 10+10=20 6. Iznad nas (Above us) (Petar Jelic - Aleksandra Bercek) - studio Alektik and Cveta Majtanoviс 7+4=11 7. Oro (Zeljko Joksimovic - Dejan Ivanovic) Jelena Tomasevic 12+12=24 8. Cucemo, cucete... (We'll hear, you'll hear) (Ognjen Popovic - Tijana Mangovic, Ivan Aleksijevic) - Ognjen i prijatelji 2+3=5 9. Cudesni svetovi (Wondrous worlds) (Ana Jankovic, Milovan Boskovic, Nebojsa Andelkovic, Miroslav Nicic, Ana Ignjatovic) - Zoe Kida u Zemlji Gruva 4+2=6 10. Da si tu (If you were here) (Lejla Hot) - Lejla Hot 3+5=8 tele+jury=total |
1. Iznad nas (Above us) (Petar Jelic - Aleksandra Bercek) -
studio Alektik and Cveta Majtanoviс 4+8=12 2. Dunav (The Danube) (Drum’n’Zez - Vojislav Malesev) - Drum’n’Zez 0+5=5 3. S tobom bih ostala (I would stay with you) (Vuk Protic) - Negativ 2+0=0 4. Mozda bas (Maybe) (Nihad Petonjic - Ana Petonjic) - Mogul 0 5. Slepa ulica (Cul-de-sac) (Srdan Simic Kamba - Antonija Sola) - Nenad Ceranic 0 6. Kvar (Breakdown) (Ognjen Cvekic) - Betty Boop 3+6=9 7. Precica do dna (Shortcut to the bottom) (Dragana Jovanovic) - Sloba Bajic 0+3=3 8. Beli jablan (White poplar) (Boris Krstajic - Boban Jankovic and Aleksa Jelic) - Aleksa Jelic and Ana Stajdohar 5+7=12 9. Zavet (The Sacrament) (Vladimir Graic) - Beauty Queens 12+10=22 10. Tijana (Vladimir Jovancic) - Andrej Ilic Bend 0+2=2 11. Da si tu (If you were here) (Lejla Hot) - Lejla Hot 6+0=6 12. Kao da hodam (As if I'm walking) (Ivana Cosic) - Ivana Cosic 0 13. Nisi prvi (You're not the first one) (Leontina Vukomanovic) - Tamara Nikezic 1+0=1 14. Ako me cujes (If you hear me) (Dejan Vozlic) - Dejan Vozlic 0+1=1 15. U zivot kockam se... (I bet on my life) (Zika Zana - Jelena Zana) - 16. Sada ili nikada (Now or never) (Vladimir Preradovic - Marko Vulinovic) - Marko Vulinovic 8+0=8 17. Cudesni svetovi (Wondrous worlds) (Ana Jankovic, Milovan Boskovic, Nebojsa Andelkovic, Miroslav Nicic, Ana Ignjatovic) - Zoe Kida u Zemlji Gruva 0+4=4 18. Cucemo, cucete... (We'll hear, you'll hear) (Ognjen Popovic - Tijana Mangovic, Ivan Aleksijevic) - Ognjen i prijatelji 10+0=10 19. Bezimena (Nameless) (Bane Opacic) - Denis i Obule 0 20. Oro (Zeljko Joksimovic - Dejan Ivanovic) Jelena Tomaseviс 7+12=19 jury+tele=total Rezerve: 1. Samo hir (Just a caprice) (Vesna Zakonovic) - Milos Zikic 2. Ipak volim te (And still I love you) (Nebojsa Zulfikarpasic) - Irena Perisic |