The nine performers who will take
part in Andorra's first ever Eurovision national final have been named by RTVSA. Six were newcomers chosen from new "Fame Academy" styled series: Marta Dalleres, Marta Roquet, Armanda Vasconvelos, Eva Gomez, Juanjo Garcia, Veronica Castro. Viewers will finally select two of the singers by December 20. The two winners will then be joined by three more established acts who have already enjoyed some success on the Andorran music scene - Jordi Botey, pop duo Bis a Bis and Marta Roure. The final will be staged on March 14 2004. RTVASA have stated they expect the entry to be sung in Catalan. |
Объявлены девять
исполнителей, которые примут участие в первом
Андоррском национальном финале. 6 новичков были
выбраны посредством реалити-шоу: Marta Dalleres, Marta Roquet, Armanda Vasconvelos, Eva Gomez, Juanjo Garcia, Veronica Castro. Телезрители выберут двух из них, которые в итоге сразятся с тремя известными андоррскими исполнителями - Jordi Botey, дуэтом Bis a Bis and Marta Roure. Финал намечен на 14 марта 2004 года. РТВ заявило, что ожидается, что песня - участник Евровидения будет исполнена на Каталанском языке. |
Two finalists selected now - Marta
Roure and duo Bis a Bis. From January 18th to March 14th, 2 finalists will perform 12 songs and final decision will be made on March 14, in a show held in Auditori Nacional d'Andorra in Ordino, using a mix of jury vote and televoting. |
Выбраны двое финалистов - Marta Roure и дуэт Bis a Bis. Теперь в период с 18 января по 14 марта 2 финалистов исполнят 12 песен, финал намечен на 14 марта, победитель будет выбран телеголосованием и голосованием жюри. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
пианист и певица Марта Рура начала свою карьеру в
возрасте 17 лет участвуя в оркестре ее отца - Биг
Бенде Андорры. Затем она присоединилась к
Оркестру 3го тысячелетия и Квартету Джемини,
дирижером в которых был также ее отец, Хорди Рура.
Три года спустя она присоединилась к оркестру
Каравана, дирижером в котором был маэстро Энтони
Олаф Сабате. А еще через год он поучаствовала в
группах "Лос Дель Эбро" и испанских группах
"Голден" и "Феникс". Но на этом она не
остановилась и приняла участие в двух трио -
"Деиксал" и "Ла Колла" Микеля Комелла.
2003 год стал ключевым в карьере певицы, когда она
вместе с дуэтом Бис О Бис была выбрана
финалисткой шоу 12 пунктов - национального отбора
к конкурсу Евровидение. У Марты несколько
музыкальных образований, она изучала фортепиано,
вокал, музыкальную теорию в андоррской
музыкальной академии. Сейчас она со своей
группой дает концерты в Андорре и Каталонии и
продолжает изучать вокал и гитару в Испании. Источник: www.eurovision.tv |
A Guitarist, Pianist and singer, Marta Roure began her career aged just 17 playing in her father’s orchestra, the Big Band D’Andorra. She went on to join the III Mil.leni Orchestra and Quartet Geminis, both of which were also conducted by her father, Jordi Roure. Three years later, she joined the Caravana Orchestra conducted by Maestro Antoni Olaf Sabatй. And one year after that, she joined band “Los Del Ebro” and Spanish bands, Lleida-based “Golden” and Barcelona group, “Fenix.” It didn’t stop there. Roure’s eager nature and drive has also seen her take part in two trios, “Deixal” and Miquel Comella’s “La Colla.” 2003 was a key year for Marta Roure after she was selected with duo “Bis a Bis” to participate in "12 Punts," a special TV programme in which Andorra picked the singer and song to represent it at Eurovision 2004 in Istanbul. Marta has had a thorough musical education, studying various subjects including Piano, singing and music theory at the Andorran Academy of Music Studies. She is currently studying singing and modern Guitar at the Lleida Musicians' Workshop in Spain and gives regular concerts in Andorra and Catalonia with her current group. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- More info - http://www.rtvasa.ad/ATVeurovisio/index.htm http://www.12punts.net/ ![]() ![]() |
No en tinc cap dubte, cap dels dos
sabem per que estem junts aquesta nit Tu no saps ni com em dic i la veritat, tampoc jo se el teu nom. Potser es millor que no pensem en res aprofitem que estem solets aparquem tots els problemes i disfrutem d'aquest moment Aquesta nit farem que sigui nostre. Aquesta nit podrem ser el que volguem mentre esperem que surti el sol. Vull que
estiguem junts I quan el sol dema et tregui del llit Vull que estiguem junts Vull que estiguem junts |
I have no doubt, neither of us
knows Why we're together tonight You don't even know my name And, to tell you the truth, I don't know yours either Maybe it's better to think of nothing Let's make the most of being by ourselves Let's put all problems on ice And let's enjoy this moment Tonight, we'll make it ours Tonight, we'll be able to be what we want While we wait for the sun to rise I want us to be together To keep on playing I want you to tell me "I love you" Even if it's not true I want us to hug each other To enjoy the moment And to play… we'll be playing at loving each other Tomorrow, when the sun pulls you out of bed I won't be beside anymore Only a good memory will remain The dream of a summer night Of the night that we spent together Far enough from all reality A night that we live now And we want it to last forever Where nothing matters, only us Tonight everything is allowed, I'll be who you want me to be While the sun doesn't rise I want us to be together To keep on playing I want you to tell me "I love you" Even if it's not true I want us to hug each other To enjoy the moment And to play… we'll be playing at loving each other I want us to be together To keep on playing I want you to tell me "I love you" Even if it's not true I want us to hug each other To enjoy the moment And to play… we'll be playing at loving each other We are not in a hurry But let's not waste time At sunrise Magic will disappear The night is long But we shall make the most of it I'll be what you want me to be until sunrise Until sunrise I want us to be together To keep on playing I want you to tell me "I love you" Even if it's not true I want us to hug each other To enjoy the moment And to play… we'll be playing at loving each other I want us to be together To keep on playing I want you to tell me "I love you" Even if it's not true I want us to hug each other To enjoy the moment And to play… we'll be playing at loving each other… Until sunrise Русский перевод - здесь |